S5: E2 Desperate Times Part 2

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"Eddie! Hey!" Y/N woke him up with a worried frown.

"Oh, my god. You're alive." Eddie pulled her into a tight hug, burying his face into her neck.

Y/N frowned deeper as his tears fell onto her skin.

"You are never leaving me." Eddie didn't move an inch from her embrace.

* The Next Night *

"Seriously, Cap? I know everyone loves breakfast for dinner, but powdered eggs?" Chimney walked over to Bobby.

"We have a lot more mouths to feed than usual with the emergency recall procedure put in place. You know the drill. All shifts in the house until further notice." Bobby looked at Chimney in defence.

"Couldn't you stash some of the good stuff in the back of the fridge for the A shift?" Chimney lowered his voice.

"Refrigerator is off line and off limits starting this afternoon. We've been running that generator 24/7. We got to cut back on our fuel use." Bobby shook his head.

"Hey, Hen, you hearing this? We're losing fridge privileges." Chimney turned to Hen.

"The hurt gets spread evenly around and no one's immune, I suppose." Hen shrugged at Chimney.

"What's up with those two?" Chimney nodded over to Eddie and Y/N who were sitting on the couch in silence.

Y/N was sitting on Eddie's lap, as he held her against him firmly, her leaning into him as he buried his face into her neck.

"I don't know." Hen frowned as Bobby glanced over at Eddie and Y/N.

"Hey, can I borrow your charger? My phone's dead." Chimney turned back to Hen.

"Oh, sorry. This is my department issued personal charging device. And sharing is against protocol." Hen held up her charging device.

"Hey, you two okay? You're both really quiet, and you're isolated over here." Bobby sat on the couch with a concerned frown.

"Yeah, we're okay." Eddie gave a slight nod.

"Eddie." Y/N glanced at him.

"What? I'm fine. You're fine, right?" Eddie looked at her.

"Yeah, I am, but.." Y/N watched him.

"Great. We're both okay, Cap, thanks." Eddie nodded along.

"Hey!" Buck skipped over sitting on the coffee table.

"Look, Buck, we're fine." Eddie glanced at Buck annoyed.

"Fi seems okay, you on the other hand, do not seem okay at all. And as the Godfather and Uncle of your children. You will tell me what is wrong." Buck gave Eddie a stern look.

"It's nothing. It was just a stupid dream. It doesn't mean anything. Okay?" Eddie gave Buck a look.

"Fi, why don't you come help me finish dinner?" Bobby looked at Y/N.

"No." Eddie stopped Y/N from moving away from him.

"Eddie, what is going on?" Bobby looked at Eddie.

"A stupid dream wouldn't have you rattled up like this. What? Did something happen to Fi? Or..Oh.." Buck trailed as Eddie grimaced, causing the three of them to realise what was upsetting him.

* The Next Morning *

"What kind of animal?" Buck quizzed Bobby yet again.

"We've been over this, Buck...we don't know. It could be anything. Caller got cut off during the attack." Bobby turned to look at him.

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