S5: E8 Defend In Place

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"Explosion was on the fourth floor, Charlie side. The sprinkler system lost pressure in the concussion, so evac is already in process. Anybody who can walk has already vacated. The rest are gonna need our help, starting with the nursery." Bobby looked at them as they arrived on scene.

"Cap, there's 600 beds in there. What are we gonna do with them?" Hen walked over to Bobby.

They'd made their way up to the nursery to get the babies out as priority.

Y/N and Buck were in the building, passing babies out down the ladder to safety.

"How's it looking up there, Buck, Fi?" Bobby glanced up at the building.

"Uh, smoke is starting to breach the door, Cap." Buck glanced at Y/N with a frown.

"Okay, let's double time it guys. We move quickly and carefully." Bobby instructed the 118.

"Come on, little one." Y/N picked up a baby boy, handing him to Buck carefully.

"Hey, I need you on the third floor. We got an eight year old boy, Parker. He's trapped up there with his baby sister." Bobby looked at Buck, Eddie and Y/N as the climbed down the ladder from the nursery.

"I thought that floor was clear." Buck frowned confused.

"Well, they must've missed him in all the chaos. He dialled 911 from a patient's room, 318." Bobby watched them.

"Back up the ladder." Eddie turned to Buck and Y/N.

"No, fire was right outside the nursery." Buck shook his head at Eddie.

"Guess we're taking the stairs." Y/N looked between them.

The three of them started making their way upstairs, when Y/N's phone started ringing in her pocket making her stop without the two realising.

"David?" Y/N answered her phone with a frown.

"Are you at the hospital fire?" David sounded like he wasn't next to the phone.

"Yeah. We're working on evacuating everyone." Y/N watched Buck and Eddie go ahead.

"I know. I'm in an OR room. In the middle of a brain surgery. I'm not leaving this patient until I'm done. Neither are the nurses. I'd appreciate your help." David was concentrating on something.

"I'm not a doctor. I'm not even a paramedic. Look, I can get Hen or.." Y/N looked down the stairs.

"No. I don't need you to help me with the surgery. I need you to be here incase the fire gets here before we finish. I know you've a strong moral code, okay, that's why I called you, not Bobby." David insisted.

"Okay, which floor?" Y/N sighed in defeat.

* In The OR Room *

"I'm here." Y/N walked into the room.

"Glad you could make it. How bad is the fire?" David glanced over at her.

"You worry about the surgery, I'll worry about the fire. I don't need scrubs do I?" Y/N watched them.

"We're past official rules, right now. As long as you keep a distance, it's fine." David reassured her.

"Okay." Y/N gave a nod, focusing back on the door.

* With Michael *

"Michael! Michael!" Athena made her way over to him.

"Athena! How did you.." Michael hugged her in relief someone was there.

"May called me. Are you all right?" Athena checked him over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's David, he's the one still inside the burning building." Michael turned back to the hospital building.

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