Chapter 10

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Playlist: Slip away by RuelleFamily line By Conan GrayAll for us by Labrinth ft Zendaya

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Slip away by Ruelle
Family line By Conan Gray
All for us by Labrinth ft Zendaya.

Returning from my fake wedding, I've never felt so despondent in my entire life. Once again, I've thrown myself into another precarious situation in which I have no idea whether I would come out alive or not. But that wasn't the one giving me the greatest anxiety. Telling my sisters about this new development was. I reach the door of my house, my white dress safely tucked away and the ring removed from my finger. Hesitating for a while, I take a deep breath and knock.

I hear Emma call out before she throws the door open. A smile hits Emma's face as she sees me and it only makes me want to hide away in shame. She's still so oblivious and it hurts me so much. I walk into the apartment, forcing all the painful emotions down as I give her a small smile.

"How was work?" She asks and my throat tightens. I glance at her, watching as she rushed back to the kitchen.

"Fine. Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet but already started cooking!" She says as she stirs whatever she's cooking on the stove. I rub my palms together, ignoring my racing heart.

"Cool... I'll just have a shower and I'll join you."

"Okay!" She calls out as her attention is diverted to the back of what she's cooking. I rush to my room, clutching my chest as guilt and shame steal my breath and tears cloud my eyes. Feeling absolute disgust with myself, I step into the bathroom and turn on the shower on my clothes.

Your sisters are going to hate you for what you just did.  Please, shut up!

The water pours down on my body and I let a few tears slip out, my lips trembling. It's all I can allow. I stare at my fingers and can almost see the ring Devon had slipped into it. Wearing that ring felt like a collar had been placed on my neck and I hated it. I hated it so much.

Knowing I've spent too much time in the bathroom and Emma will soon come looking for me, I get rid of my soaked clothes and wrap a towel around my body. I change into a cardigan and wear some shorts, keeping the ring in its pockets before joining my sister in the kitchen. She's already dished out our food. I glance at the table and a wry smile hits my lips as I see what we're having for dinner. It's potato soup and cucumber-salmon Panzanella.

"Thanks for the meal," I say as I take my seat, having a spoonful of the soup. Emma grins at me, joining me immediately.

"It's the least I can do." She replies. We say a small prayer and dig into the meal. It tastes good but as usual, I don't have any appetite.

"So what were you up to?" Emma asks in between spoonfuls. I pause, stirring my soup.

"Can we talk after we finish eating?" I ask her and she pauses, watching me before nodding. I let out a breath and we eat quietly. The silence is suffocating and I can feel Emma's gaze on me as I munch on my food, probably wondering what's wrong. I swallow down my food and begin to mentally prepare my speech. The ring in my pocket burns my skin and my palms start sweating.

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