Chapter 23

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(A month later)

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(A month later)

As the days go by, I find myself noticing more things about Jessica that I didn't see before. Observing just how emotionally closed off she was. She hardly ever talks and only spoke whenever spoken to. Her eyes seemed distant whenever she was lost in thought as if she was standing alone in some far-off place. And occasionally when she wasn't aware, I caught sadness in them. A sadness that she tries so hard to hide. She would smile whenever it was required, but it never reaches her eyes. It was as if she was putting on a show, pretending to be happy, when in reality, she was anything but.

Her distance from me only grew worse after her panic attack. It's as if she is afraid to be vulnerable in front of me and afterward, she acts like the incident didn't even happen at all.  Still, I couldn't help but think of how she felt in my arms. She seemed so small and fragile, and yet so strong in her way. I wanted to keep her safe, to shield her from the world and all its dangers. I could still remember the way her body fit perfectly against mine. The warmth of her skin, the softness of her curves, it all felt so right. And suddenly, I found myself wondering if I was growing feelings for her. That worried me.

My relationship with them seems to have improved on the surface but the emotional distance I was getting from Jessica was frustrating. Emma seemed to have caught on as well. Occasionally, I'd catch her looking at me with pity in her eyes. The only time she ever lets go is when we are pretending to be lovestruck couples and business parties and the media. And she does that so well, it's hard to tell that it's the same woman who won't speak to me the second we arrive home. I have to take extra caution with my heart to not fall for the act she puts up, reminding myself that it isn't real.

She's so well versed in situations like this it makee me wonder if she's  done it before. The bright smiles, the way she could distinguish men of pedigree with just a glance, and how she connected me to stakeholders. It was all too good to be true. We were returning from a launch party and as always after a full night of pretending to be in love with me and pretending to be a perfect partner, she was back to her old self. she began gazing out the window, her eyes fixed on the passing scenery but anyone could tell she wasn't watching it. With stiff shoulders, pursed lips and a pale face, she looked like a shadow of herself. Tired of the deafening silence hanging over in the car like a cloud in the car, I try to start a conversation.

"You did good tonight. Almost too good. Have you done this before?" I ask and watch as she flinches. She glances at me, confusion in her eyes. Once the question sank, she blinks and looks away, subconsciously flexing her fingers.

"Um... I guess." She mutters, her voice barely audible.

"I guess?" I repeat, raising a brow. Her eyes dart to mine for a split second before she looks away.

Her lips curls into a frown and she tightens her hands on her dress, her gaze darkening."I used to work as an escort for a businessman a while back so I'm quite familiar with parties like this." She replies, her voice flat. But even as she says that a shadow crosses her eyes, her body growing rigid. It is so deep and dark that it almost makes me shudder.

"Who?" I press on, growing curious. "Do I know him?"

It takes a while for her to answer. "He... Isn't here anymore." She speaks, the gently spoken words carrying deeper and darker undertones. What did she mean by that?  I want to ask her to explain more but she's already looking out the window again. Knowing her, it means the conversation is over. I lean back in my seat, letting out a sigh. Maybe I should just hire a private investigator.

We finally arrive home and I park the car, turn off the engine and take a deep breath. I turn to her but she's already unbuckling her seat belt and stepping out of the car, as if in a hurry. What's chasing after her? Addled by her actions, I watch her leave before following after her.

I walk in and meet Emma in the kitchen, peering into the fridge. She notices me enter and closes the fridge, a bottle of fruit juice in her hands. "Good evening my sister's husband!" She greets me in the usual way and I smile, waving at her.

"Good evening my wife's sister. You're still awake?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, came to grab a bite. How was your night?" She asks, taking a sip. I stifle a shrug, not knowing what to say.

"Splendid... Until it was not." I mumble, still thinking about the conversation we had at the car earlier.

"Hmm... Wonder why. Saw my sister running in. Did you two argue?"

I shake my head. "No..." I trail off as I look up the stairs. "Did it look that way?"

"She didn't answer me when I greeted her. But then,  she's sometimes like that so it's nothing to be concerned about." Emma mumbles nonchalantly but it feels like a lie. I stare at her, taken aback.

Her words just adds to the confusion in my mind and I'm staring at her, the question in my eyes. Emma sees the look and smiles.

"You're curious about her, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. I just want to know what's going on so I don't anger her."

"Well, who wouldn't? I've seen the way you look at her, Mr Reeves. That's just the way she is. You'll get used to it."

Get used to it?

Emma starts to leave the kitchen, the half-finished bottle of fruit juice in her hands. "As much as I'd like to help, Even I can't tell you why she acts like that.
Because I don't know. Unless she tells you herself and I don't think that's happening anytime soon."

She lets out a sigh and looks at me, that familiar look of pity evident in her eyes. "You seem like a good person, Mr Reeves. And maybe you are. But in the case of my sister, I don't think it would be enough." Sucking in air, she continues speaking. " There's a reason she acts like that. Multiple, really. But no one knows what. If I were you, I wouldn't bother getting to know her at all. Saves you a ton of stress."

"You're telling me to stay away." I state but she doesn't reply.

But then she shrugs, finding her own words ridiculous. She chuckles but it's mirthless. "I know this advice will fall on deaf ears. So feel free to do whatever you want."

She starts to leave the room but stops at the stairs, glancing back at me. Deep concern etches her features but there is worry too. She hesitates, taking a deep breath before speaking. "My sister's not a good person. But she's not a bad person either. She's just... Been through too much."

Her voice drops a few octaves and she speaks the next words like a warning. "There's a reason she keeps her distance. Proceed with caution."

Brightening up, she grins at me. "Have a good night, Mr Reeves." She says, before skipping up the stairs.

With that, she disappeared into the hallways, leaving me standing there and wondering what to do with this new information.

There you have it, a bit of a hint.
What do you think Jessica is hiding???
The story is getting intense lol... Let me know what you think!
See you in the next chapter!!!🙈🙈🙈

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