Chapter 42

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Lovely by Tommee Profitt ft Fleurie.
Enjoy reading!

While speaking with a group of businessmen who gathered around me after my speech, my eye catches Jessica standing in the middle of the hall, completely still. Surprised and confused, I immediately excuse myself from the gathering, going to meet her.

My heart races as I make my way through the crowded hall of the extravagant party. The pulsating music and laughter fill the air, but my attention is drawn to Jessica standing alone, motionless amidst the chaos. Her usually vibrant presence has disappeared completely, and she looks like a shadow of herself, frozen in a state of fear.

Concern etches itself across my face, and I quicken my pace, weaving through the throngs of people until I reach her side. Her stance is rigid, her body tense, and her eyes dart around as if searching for an unseen threat.

"Jessica," I call out softly, my voice barely audible above the clamor. "Are you alright?" I ask, staring at her intently.

She flinches, and her eyes flicker towards me, her gaze distant and haunted. She seems to be shaking off the fear that grips her, but it lingers in the lines of her face, etching a distress that she tries to conceal.

"I'm fine, Devon," she stutters out, her voice strained. "There's nothing to worry about," she says, trying to smile but failing terribly at it.

But I know better. I have spent enough time with Jessica to recognize the signs when something is amiss. Her attempt to dismiss the situation only fuels my determination to find out the truth.

I grab hold of her hand, noting how cold it has gotten; her face still pale. Looking around me, I try to figure out what may have triggered her reaction but can see nothing. "Jessica, what is going on? You don't have to hide it from me," I prod, getting worried.

She shakes her head, even more vehemently this time. "I'm fine, really. Although, something did happen..." She trails off, looking around once more as she bites her lower lip in worry.

"Would you like to get out of here?" I suggest, and she immediately nods, a flicker of relief crossing her face. Gripping her hands tightly, I immediately excuse myself from the party, leading Jessica to the car and driving home.

The ride back home is tense; the air inside the car is almost palpably heavy with unspoken tension. Jessica sits beside me, her posture rigid, and the silence between us speaks volumes. I steal glances at her whenever I can, noting the way her fingers clench and unclench in her lap-a telltale sign of her inner turmoil. Silence hangs heavily between us, broken only by the faint hum of the engine and the occasional flicker of passing streetlights, casting fleeting shadows on our faces.

The dim glow of the dashboard lights reflects off her glistening eyes, hinting at the tears she desperately tries to hold back. Occasionally, I'd glance at her and see that her hands were shaking. Her expression is a mix of unease and anxiety, and I can't help but feel a pang of worry deep within me. The knots in my stomach tighten as I ponder what could have possibly unsettled her so much at the party.

We finally pull up at the driveway of our house, and the moment the car stops, Jessica jumps out of the car, ready to sprint inside the house.

"Jessica, wait!" I call out, stopping her in her tracks. She pauses but doesn't turn to look at me. Walking up to her, I face her, tilting her chin so she's staring into my eyes. "Talk to me. Something happened at the party earlier, didn't it? What was it?" I state, my voice firm.

"I c-can't," she mutters, sounding defeated. Letting out a breath, she looks away from me.

"Why? Don't you trust me?"

"I do. It's just... This is just something I have to deal with on my own, please. I'll be fine. I promise." She tells me.

I don't believe her words, though the concern in her eyes is evident. But I also don't want to push her further, fearing that any argument might lead to her shutting me out completely. Instead, I take a deep breath, silently trying to ground myself in the moment. I let my fingers loosen their grip on her chin as I take a step away from her, watching her turn around and make her way toward the house. My gaze remains fixed on her, even as she disappears through the front door. With a heavy sigh, I exit the garage, my footsteps echoing faintly in the quiet night.

As I close the garage door and begin my own journey toward the house, my thoughts remain tethered to Jessica. A furrow creases my brow as I replay the events of the evening in my mind. The memory of her frozen form in the middle of the hall still sends a shiver down my spine. Something had clearly shaken her, causing her to freeze up and panic like that. Determined to understand, I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. The screen illuminates my face in a soft, bluish light as I dial a familiar number. The phone rings a few times before a voice finally answers on the other end. It's my assistant, Janet.

"Devon, how can I assist you?" Janet's voice is calm and professional, as always.

"Janet, I need you to do something for me," I say, my voice low and focused. "I want you to look into tonight's event, particularly the security footage. I want to know if there was anyone who acted suspiciously around my wife or if there's any sign of an intruder."

There's a brief pause on the other end before Janet responds, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Of course, I'll get right on it. Do you suspect something happened?"

"I don't know," I admit, my grip on the phone tightening. "But something felt off, and I want to make sure she's safe."

"Understood," Janet replies. "I'll inform you as soon as I find anything."

I nod, even though she can't see me. "Thank you, Janet."

"You're welcome, sir," she says and ends the call, placing the phone back into my pocket. Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath before opening them, staring up at the house. The windows emit a soft, warm light, a stark contrast to the unease that's taken root in my chest. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I also can't ignore the gnawing feeling that Jessica is in trouble. And whatever it is, I'll find out.

With a resolute sigh, I straighten up and make my way toward the house. Jessica is nowhere to be found, but I can still sense the lingering tension from earlier. I walk to my room and change out of my clothes, slipping into a more comfortable outfit. I wait for a while for Jessica to show up, but when it's obvious she won't be coming to see me, I decide to go to her.

Knocking on the door a few times, I wait for her to open up. She does, her gaze locked onto mine, welcoming me with a smile on her face, which is surprising. Almost like the last few moments did not happen, but I can see the subtle tension in her shoulders.

"I was coming to meet you," she says when I continue to peer at her. I let out a small smile, playing along. If she won't tell me anything, I won't force her to.

"You were taking too long," I say, and she chuckles. Something tells me it's fake.

"How are you now?" I ask.

"Exhausted. But I'm fine. I told you not to worry so much," she mutters, a small pout adorning her lips.

"I can't help it, you're my responsibility now," I say, caressing her hair and cheeks. She leans into my touch, and I lower myself to kiss her lips. I feel her stiffen, but there's a warm smile on her face.

"Come on, I'm tired. Let's go to sleep," she says, and I follow her to the bed, making sure she's leaning onto me. Slowly, I begin to pat her back, soothing her. She lets out a shuddering breath, closing her eyes as she grips my clothing. Hours later, when she falls asleep still looking tense and twitching from nightmares, I stay awake, watching her.

Whatever it is, I'll find out and erase it from the surface of the earth.

We love a proactive man... Don't we?
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter!
And see you in the next one!

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