Chapter 58

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Paradise by Coldplay
My Universe by Coldplay ft BTS
And presenting, The final chapter of this book!
Enjoy reading!!

As the private jet begins its descent into San Francisco, a mixture of emotions swirls within me. The turquoise waters of Mauritius, the tropical paradise where Devon and I spent our honeymoon, are now replaced by the familiar skyline of the city I call home. My heart quickens with anticipation, a bittersweet feeling that tugs at my chest. It's been an incredible week of sunsets, laughter, and stolen moments with Devon, and yet, there's a part of me that's glad to be back.

My fingers trace the outline of my wedding ring, a constant reminder of the promise we made to each other. I glance at Devon, who's sitting beside me, his hand resting on my thigh. His touch is reassuring, grounding me in the reality that I'm not alone in this journey. His gaze meets mine, and a soft smile curves his lips. "Ready to be back, Mrs. Reeves?" he asks, his voice warm and tender.

I return his smile, my heart fluttering at the sound of my new name. "I am," I reply, my voice carrying a mix of excitement and contentment. "As much as I love every moment in Mauritius, I miss my sisters and this city."

He chuckles softly, his thumb caressing the back of my hand. "I can tell how much you missed them. You've been texting them nonstop since we boarded the plane."

I roll my eyes, laughing afterwards. "Well, I have a lot to catch up on." I tell him and he kisses my cheek. I lay my head on his shoulder, squeezing his hand as the jet descends to the tarmac. The plane touches down, the wheels hitting the tarmac with a gentle thud. It slows to a stop and the plane attendant comes to announce to us. Helping us with our bags, we step out of the plane, our arms intertwined. I spot Emma meters away from us, beside a car and raising a placard as she waves excitedly at us.

A genuine smile lights up my face as I approach her. Emma pulls me into a tight hug, her excitement infectious. "You're back!" she exclaims, her voice filled with genuine joy. I giggle, patting her back, Devon not far behind me. I pull back to stare at her radiant face, cupping her cheeks as she grins at me. Suddenly, she pulls away, gasping in shock.

"Oh my God. What happened to you?" She asks, her voice strangled.

I stiffen, touching my face. "What happened to me?" Glancing at Devon, I try to figure out what's wrong with me, but he just shrugs.

"You're glowing! Devon, what did you do to my sister!?" She yells at him, but he just laughs, placing a hand across my shoulders as he pulls me close.

Nothing, we just had some fun and some stolen moments," Devon mutters, kissing me in front of her. I shake my head, turning to Emma, who's grinning from ear to ear.

"You're out of your mind," I mutter, but she just rolls her eyes, gesturing towards the car, a mischievous grin on her face. "Let's go home and catch up on everything!" She turns to look at me. "Missed you really."

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