Chapter 39

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Say you won't let go by James Arthur.
10,000 hours by Dan+Shay ft Justin bieber.
Somewhere only we know by Keane
Delicate by Taylor Swift.
Enjoy reading!!

Breakfast is awkward the next morning with Devon and me both looking everywhere but at each other. It feels surreal - just a few hours ago, we were sleeping together, naked and intimate, and now we have to act like we're completely unbothered by it. The clinking of cutlery against plates seems unusually loud, as if the silence in the room is amplifying every sound.

I try to focus on my food, the taste of the waffles and syrup on my tongue, but it's hard to shake off the memory of his lips on mine. The lingering warmth from our shared moments leaves me feeling both flustered and exhilarated. I steal a quick glance at him, and it's evident that he's just as uneasy as I am. The tension in his posture and the way he avoids my gaze tell me that he's struggling to process what happened between us too.

Emma, on the other hand, seems to be thoroughly enjoying our discomfort. Her eyes dart back and forth between us, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She takes a casual sip of her orange juice, raising an eyebrow as she observes the awkwardness between me and Devon.

"The two of you spent the night together, didn't you?" she finally asks when the awkwardness grew to an all-time high, her voice innocent but laced with mischief. I pause stirring my coffee, glancing at her. Devon is the one who speaks up, breaking the tense silence.

"Um... yes, we did," he mutters, his voice steady but lacking the usual confidence.

Emma's smug smile becomes a grin, and I swear, I want to disappear from here. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, feeling like the walls are closing in on me.

"That's cool," she mutters, folding her hands as she leans back in the chair. "You're starting to act like the married couple you are. Honestly, I didn't know why it took you guys so long, but I'm happy regardless. It looks good on both of you."

"Um... Thank you," Devon mutters, his eyes briefly meeting mine before flickering away. A flush stains my cheeks, and my grip on the coffee cup becomes tighter.

"Okay, that's it. I'm leaving for school. See you guys later!" she calls out, striding out of the house, her driver not far away. It takes her disappearing from view for me to release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You really can't hide anything from them, can you?" Devon asks me as he stands up, walking towards me. My heart skips a beat, and I look at him, my eyes searching his as I shake my head, a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

"No, I can't," I reply, gripping his outstretched hands as he pulls me to my feet. Running a finger down my face, he places a gentle kiss on my lips, causing my insides to melt. It's not a long one, but it still causes me to catch my breath. Memories of last night flood my mind, causing me to blush even harder.

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