Chapter 49

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What Was I Made For? By Billie Eillish. (From the motion picture, Barbie)
Enjoy reading!

I notice the exact moment Jessica goes limp in my arms, her words faltering and grip loosening. Stiffening slightly, I pull her away and see her eyes are closed, and she's not moving, dried tears on her terribly pale face. Her body feels cold and lifeless against mine.

"Jessica?" I call out, gently shaking her, but she's unresponsive. Placing her back on my chest, my gaze darts around, and I start to panic. "Is there a doctor here!? My wife has fainted!" I call out, lifting her up from the floor and cradling her against me as I run out of the underground bunker, careful not to jar her.

Once I step outside, the frigid air hits me, the sky is still dark and stormy, but there's no rain anymore. I spot the paramedics amidst and sprint towards them, cradling Jessica's lifeless body in my arms. The biting wind stings my face, but I barely register it. All that matters is getting her the help she desperately needs.

They immediately swing into action once they see me coming; their faces are etched with determination and expertise. With swift movements, they take over, gently prying Jessica from my grasp and immediately tending to her.

Gently laying her on a stretcher, the paramedics immediately begin assessing her condition. Their gloved hands work quickly, checking her pulse, monitoring her vitals, and speaking in hushed, urgent tones. Her skin is pale, and the bruising on her body is evident even in the dim ambulance lighting.

"Let's get her warmed up," one of the paramedics says, and they cover her with heated blankets, working to combat the effects of the cold that has seeped into her body. Another paramedic is carefully checking the cut marks on her collarbone, her fingers gentle as she cleans and dresses the wounds. My heart breaks further seeing how frail she looks. Only God knows what Zachary made her go through in just the short time he had her.

Finally, her breathing resumes, but she's still unconscious. "We have to take her to the hospital. I don't think she's out of danger yet," one of the paramedics says. I nod, reaching out to hold her fingers, bringing it closer to my lips and kissing it. The sirens wail as we speed towards the hospital. My eyes are fixed on Jessica's face, willing her to be okay, hoping that her strength will carry her through.

We get to the hospital, and the ambulance doors swing open. The hospital staff arrives with a gurney, ready to transport Jessica to the emergency room. The paramedics carefully lift her onto the stretcher, their movements gentle yet urgent. I follow closely behind, my footsteps echoing through the crowded corridor, unable to let her out of my sight. Once she's placed on the hospital bed, more doctors and nurses attend to her, effectively pushing me out. With bated breath, I watch as they tend to her.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I bring it out, realizing it's Emma calling. I walk a safe distance from Jessica's bed, picking it up.

"Have you found her yet?" she immediately asks, her voice still laden with worry and fear.

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