Special Chapter 1

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*Note*The contents of this chapter takes place when Jessica is on her way to meet Zachary (between Chapters 45-46 for more clarification) her internal thoughts and what she did to protect herself

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The contents of this chapter takes place when Jessica is on her way to meet Zachary (between Chapters 45-46 for more clarification) her internal thoughts and what she did to protect herself. it is not meant to take away from the main story but rather to serve a eye-opener on what really happened since I know a few people will be confused. That being said, let's enjoy reading!!!

Darkside by Alan Walker ft Au Ra and Tomine Harket.
Enjoy reading!!

Driving out of the house and into the streets, I grip the steering wheel tightly; my heart pounds in my chest, knuckles turning white under the strain. Thunder rumbles ahead and there are flashes of lightning across the darkening sky, the smell of rain heavy. I press my lips together, continuing the journey when every cell in my body tells me to turn back. Tears spring into my eyes, but I blink them back, my breath shaky. I need to end this once and for all.

Before long, raindrops begin to splatter on the windshield, and soon the downpour begins, turning the entire world grey. The rain, like my emotions, is relentless-unforgiving. I turn on my wipers, not giving myself time to dwell on it.

My phone dings, startling me, and I pick it up to check what it is. It's a message from Zachary, and he has sent me the address of where we are supposed to meet, giving me a time ultimatum. I grit my teeth, my eyes narrowing. That crazy bastard. My hands tremble on the wheel as I remember the threat veiled in those words, the warning that if I don't comply, the consequences would be dire. My stomach churns with fear, nausea curling within me like a storm ready to break. I drop the phone onto the chair beside me, focusing on the road, anger simmering inside of me.

I can almost hear Devon's voice, earnest and concerned, urging me to reconsider. His words tangle with the cacophony of doubts swirling within me, like a symphony of chaos that threatens to drown me. I let out a breath, blinking back the tears in my eyes. I've already started this; I might as well see it through. As if reading my thoughts, my phone rings again, and this time it's from Devon. Without thinking, I reach to pick it up but stop midway, retracting my hand, shaking my head, too afraid to answer. The last thing I want is for Zachary to track my calls, something I feel he's doing already. I ignore the ringing phone, concentrating on the road ahead.

The rain continues to pour, becoming more intense as time passes by, blurring out the world. My phone is still ringing, but I don't pick it up, unwilling to address that yet. My gaze falls to the bracelet on my wrist, and I know Devon is tracking me with it already. It's a lifeline, a lifeline that could potentially lead him right into the lion's den. The irony is that Devon's gesture to protect me has become a potential weapon for the enemy. I can't let that happen. Not if I can help it.

Making a decision, I slow the car to a stop and focus on the bracelet, removing it from my wrist in a bid to find where the tracker is located. My fingers fumble with the bracelet, the metal links feeling cold and unforgiving against my skin. I bite my lip, the taste of desperation mingling with rain as I try to dismantle the device. My heart hammers in my chest, my hands shaking, and my head spinning.

Rain lashes against the windows, mirroring the storm inside me. I manage to pry open one of the links; my hand trembling, I realize that this might be the only way to ensure Devon's safety. With a trembling breath, I slide the tracker piece out, my eyes fixated on the small, blinking light. My fingers close around it, my heartbeat a thunderous rhythm in my ears. With a mixture of dread and determination, I bring it to my lips and swallow it down, feeling the metal scratch my insides as it makes its way down into my stomach.

For a moment, the world seems to hold its breath, as if aware of the gravity of my decision. Raindrops fall heavily, washing away the taste of metal and fear. I wipe my lips with the back of my hand, staring at the now broken bracelet on my wrist. Starting up the car, I continue my drive into the rain, feeling a little glimmer of hope at the decision that I have made but also knowing it could go awry at any moment.

Before long, I get to the highway, noting the absence of cars due to the pouring rain. I brush it aside and, gripping the steering wheel tightly, place my foot on the accelerator, propelling the car forward. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a car comes in my direction and hits me, spinning me off the road and into the side. The force of the impact causes the windshield to break, and shards of glass fly into my face, rain pouring into the car.

The airbags are immediately deployed, saving me from crashing my head into the steering wheel, but my ears are still ringing, and I'm sure my nose is broken, warm sticky liquid dribbling from it. Smoke starts to billow from the crashed car, and the smell of gasoline fills the air. Coughing against the stinging smoke, I scramble to regain my bearings. My fingers tremble as I unbuckle the seatbelt, feeling the sharp ache of bruises forming where the straps dug into my chest. Clumsily, I push against the door, gritting my teeth but it doesn't budge. I let out a groan, drawing in air into my burning lungs, every part of my body hurting.

My gaze blurry, I watch through squinted eyes as the other car slows to a stop and a hooded figure walks into the rain, their coat immediately drenched, a tool in their hands. I try to escape, but my movements are sluggish, and I can't seem to open the door. The person gets to my side and wrenches the car door open, dragging me into the rain, and I fall to the ground, the biting rain seeping into my skin immediately, my clothes immediately soaked, my hair plastered to my face.

Before I can make a run for it, he grips me by the wrists and start dragging me to their car. "Where are you taking me?!" I try to ask, but I don't get the words out before the latter turns around and hits me across the face, effectively knocking me out. My head slumps to the ground, and before long, I see the entire world fade into black, losing my consciousness.

Part 1 in the special chapters written. Part 2 coming soon!
Thoughts? Comments? Let me know!
See you in the final part!

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