Chapter 26

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After Devon returned to the table pissed, I leave to confront Evelyn about it

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After Devon returned to the table pissed, I leave to confront Evelyn about it. But I don't meet her directly, she sees me walking to the bathroom and follows after me. I ignore her, making sure to note that she is indeed following after me. I enter the ladies' restroom, walking straight to the mirror and checking the way I look. The door opens and Evelyn walks in right after, looking furious.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my husband?" I ask, not turning to face her. She freezes at the doorway, the look on her face is one of disdain. Then claps back almost immediately.

"Oh, shut up. We both know this isn't real and you sure as hell don't love him!" Sparing her a glance, I let out a scoff.

I shrug, fluffing out my hair. "Wow, I'm offended. That you still think this way about me. Why though? Why do you think it's not real?" Her eyes narrow and she clenches her fists but doesn't say anything else.

"You know it isn't. Stop deceiving yourself. Sooner or later you're going to reveal just how much of a cheat that you are!"

Done addressing the way I look, I straighten up and walk towards her, my eyes slowly narrowing as I cock my head to the side. "Why don't we just end this once and for all? I'll call Devon here and you can see for yourself if this relationship is real or not."

Watching her expression, I bring out my phone and text Devon.

"What are you doing?" She asks me but I just walk out on her. I soon Devon walking towards me, a concerned look on his face. Not sparing Evelyn a glance, he immediately turns to me, checking for signs of my sickness. I glance at his eyes, planning to use them to my advantage. Without any warning, I grab him by the tie and kiss him.

Kissing. An act of intimacy that I've never allowed for the longest time because of what it implied. The second his lips touch mine, I expect to feel disgust, for an uncomfortable feeling to start growing from the pit of my stomach but instead, I feel a jolt of electricity go through my entire body. It surprises me and I pull back slightly to stare at him. He's looking at me with shock on his face but there's also that familiar desire. One that makes me curious and my heart race. I lean in again and kiss him, exploring that sensation.

This kiss is different, that I know. His lips are soft and gentle against mine, but there's an intensity there that I can't quite put my finger on. It's like he's holding back like there's something he's not telling me. And yet, at this moment, all of that disappears as we lose ourselves in the kiss.

The kiss soon grows hungry with Devon's tongue exploring the corners of my mouth and I reciprocate with the same fervor, his soft hair caressing my forehead. My hands move up to his face, my fingers tangling in his hair as I deepen the kiss. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him until there's no space left between us. I can feel his heart beating against mine, and I know that he can feel mine too.

His hands find their way to my hips, and I let myself melt into him. The kiss is electric, a bolt of energy coursing through me and I realize I’ve been missing out on this kind of intimacy for far too long. For a moment, I forget about everything else. Forget that this is fake and I'm not supposed to feel something like for him but I can't help it. Devon pulls away from my lips to kiss the rapid pulse at the base of my neck and I let out a shudder, biting back a moan. We might as well be making out in the middle of the hallway.

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