Chapter 8

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"What?" I asked, my voice void of any emotions and he sighed, sitting on the edge of my book

"Let me tell you a story" he offered and I raised a brow at him mockingly

"I'm not interested" I said plainly. What is it with these brothers, one minute they act affectionate and the other they are complete dicks

"I'm telling you any way. When you were born, I was the most excited out of all of us. I just came back from school only to see our older brothers in tears. I asked what happened but no one told me anything. They just kept muttering your name

I ran to your room and it was trashed...I looked everywhere but no Gabriella. My baby sister was gone, I felt deeply hurt, the only way I could cope was with my anger. I don't know if it makes any sense but everytime I thought about you it made me feel angry, angry at myself for not being able to protect you, angry at our family for not protecting you better. Angry at the world for snatching my angelo (angel) from me

It changed the family entirely, we saw dad less because he would leave to look for you and not come back. Some times we wouldn't see him in months and when he would come back he would be so heart broken he'd drink and then cry himself to sleep. Our brothers slowly began to break, even Antonio had difficulties. I couldn't sleep because all I would see was your face. I had to take sleeping pills I still do sometimes

You coming back now made me feel really happy. I felt like the part of me that left with you finally came back to me. But I also felt scared, scared because you could get taken again, leave me alone again. I tried to shield myself from that pain by ignoring you. I know I messed up I'm an idiot. I'm really sorry just please forgive me. I screwed up really bad all I'm asking for is another chance. Please bambina" he said tears spilling from his eyes as his shoulders trembled

My eyes slowly glazed over as I looked at him. All his words struck me hard. I don't know why my heart tightened hearing everything that happened. Did they really love me?. Do they really care for me?

Third person's pov
The guys were still in shock by what  their Sorella said. It was no secret that she was stubborn but the look in her eyes when she said those words made a chill run down their spines. They a knew she meant every word that left her mouth

"I'm going to talk to her" Stephano said and stood up

"I don't think that's a good idea Stephano" Domenico said worried how his sister would react if she saw him. Stephano angrily turned to look at him and shot him a nasty glare

"She's my sister too, for fucks sake I'm not gonna eat her. You've all bonded with her so we'll let me do the same!" He yelled in anger

"Firstly don't you dare talk to me that way ever again. And you're right just don't piss her off, I know it's hard but try" Domenico said sternly and Stephano rolled his eyes before walking away

"She's really mad but why though. I can't shake off that look in her eyes. She looked like Antonio, something happened" Leonardo said thoughtfully

"She's hiding something big from us. Earlier when I patted her back she flinched but composed herself thinking I didn't notice  but I notice everything. I'm not a Don for nothing" Antonio said, a deep frown etched in his face

"Yeah there were times when I hugged her and she would wince. She won't tell us so we have to find out ourselves" Emilio said and they all stared at him in confusion

"What do you mean Em?" Leo asked

"I mean she's obviously not going to tell us so we'll just figure out a way to get it out of her. She's keeping things from us, it's not gonna help her or us. We have to know what she's hiding, I don't care if we have to use force" Emilio deadpanned and they stared at him with wide eyes

"Yeah that might actually work" Leonardo said with a bright smile

"No! You can't do that. She's a human being, you can't just force her into telling us something she's not ready to. It's not fair, it's her past, HER PAST. She decides if she wants to tell you. You don't decide for her" Xavier yelled in anger

"Xavier's right, you have no right to force her. If you do what you're thinking then she'll never forgive you and I'm not ready to lose my sorella again because of your stupidity" Matteo said harshly and left.

Xavier glared at them all before leaving, Xander shook his head in disappointment and followed his twin, equally upset

Stephano's pov
I poured my heart out to her, I actually told her everything that was going through my mind. To my surprise I saw her eyes glaze with tears and my heart rate increased in panic. She's crying?...shit stupid me, what did I do now?!

"Please don't cry bambina, what did I do?" I said trying to comfort her but she just kept crying. I can't do this, I can't see her like this. I'll go get Emilio...she's closer to him

"I'll go get Emilio for you. He'll..." I was cut off when she suddenly threw her arms around my neck and I stilled in shock. I snapped out of it and hugged her back

"It's okay. I'm not mad at you at least not anymore. Thank you for caring about me. I love you" she whispered and my eyes widened and I tightened my hold around her

She loves me, my bambina loves me. Happy tears slowly fell down my arms as I held my sister in my arms. Words can't describe how much I love her, I will do anything for her

"I love you too baby, I'm so sorry for acting like a dick to you also please don't tell Antonio I cussed around you. I won't hear the end of it" I said with a chuckle and she let out a teary laugh. I pulled away and wiped her tears, this is the best day of my fuckin life

Gabriella's pov
I woke up to someone knocking my door, I groaned angrily, I need to fuckin sleep

"Who is it?!" I asked

"It's me Matteo!" Matteo yelled from the other side of the door

"Come in!" I yelled back and in walker a goofy looking Matteo

"Hey it's time for breakfast please come down" he said and I remembered the events of last night and dread filled my entire being. What will they do to me after I foolishly ran my mouth yesterday?

"I'm not hungry" I said not making any attempt to move

"You have to eat please" he pleaded

"Don't you fuckin understand?. I said I'm not hungry" I snapped at him. I saw the pain in his eyes as he turned around dejectedly

"Matteo I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I apologized and he smiled lightly, waving it off and sat beside me

"What's bothering you?. Don't lie to me" he said softly, clearing some hair from my face

"I spoke rudely yesterday, what if they are angry?. I didn't mean to speak rudely like that what if they hate me for that?" I said panicky, if they decide to hurt me too then there'd be nothing I can do to stop it

"Listen sweetheart, you don't have to feel bad for anything you says. In my opinion, you had all right to be angry. They love you, I love you, they won't punish you for anything. They won't hurt you, and most importantly, they'll never hate you. So get your ass up, take a shower and come down" he said reassuringly and I smiled at him

"Okay thanks" I said genuinely grateful for his words, for the kindness he's shown me

"Anytime baby" he said, kissed my cheek and left. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all

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