Chapter Twenty Four

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Gabriella's pov
"But you guys just said that I don't have to tell you if I don't want to" I said starting to get a little frustrated by the situation

"We only said that so they would back off. I'm very curious as to why you know the Greek mafia bambina, they're dangerous people. They could've hurt you!" Nico snapped and I glared at him. I know that he did not just say that

"You're dangerous people! I trust them and I know they would never do anything to harm me. Stop being such a hypocrite, I didn't judge you about your occupation so why should you judge them?!" I yelled at him in anger

"Bambina you are never to see them again. We don't know their real Intentions with you" Angelo said and I cackled loudly

"You're crazy if you think I'll stop seeing them because of you." I sneered at him

"Guys calm down okay" Emilio said

"Be quiet Emilio" Ales said making Em shut his mouth

"Everyone be quiet!" Antonio said staring at me

"Do you really trust them?" He asked and I nodded

"More than I trust myself. I know they would never do anything to harm me" I said

"Then it's settled, she can keep seeing them" he said and my eyes twinkled in joy

"You can't be fuckin serious!" Bruno yelled

"I am and my word stands. I trust her and if she trusts them then I also do. No one will talk about this anymore" he said leaving no room for discussion and I smiled at him

"Thank you Tony" I said

"Anything for you sorella" he said softly, kissing me on the head before walking away

"You're really choosing them over your own family?" Stephano asked

"I'm not choosing anyone, they are my family as well. Because whether you like it or not, they were there when you weren't. I can't just abandon them now" I said stiffly before making my way to my room

I don't know what I feel right now. I can't give up on them, especially after everything they have done for me. They are my family and I won't give up on them.

I changed into some comfy pj's and made my way out of my room. I stopped infront of Tony's door contemplating what to do next

I took a deep breath before knocking on his door and waited till he opened the door. His eyes widened when he saw me

"Bambina what's wrong?. Did someone say something to you?" He asked

"I'm fine Tony. I was just wondering if I could sleep with you today" I whispered fidgeting with my fingers nervously.

"Sure" he said and pulled me into his room

"Are you really okay bambina?" He asked once I settled in on the bed next to him

"You know I love you guys alot right?" I asked burying my head in his chest

"I know that bambina. Now tell me what's going on in that little head if yours" he said

"I can't choose between you guys. You are all equally important to me, just because I don't want to end my relationship with them doesn't mean that you guys are any less important" I explained and he chuckled

"No one is asking you to choose bambina. You can do anything you want, I'd like to see who will stop you" he said

"Thank you Tony, I love you" I muttered and he drew me closer to him

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