Chapter Fifty four

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Third person's pov-
Gabriella was stuck in a hard place. She knew telling them how she became Ace would raise further questions. Ones she wasn't ready to answer yet

"We're waiting bambina" Antonio said, effectively snapping her out of her train of thoughts

"A few years ago, mom told me she and Luke had to travel for some important business and I couldn't come with. So she told me to stay with my neighbours for the time

One day while I was walking home from school, some guys who were older than me tried to force themselves on me

Then Sebastian's father came and helped me. He taught me self defense, he trained me and later told me that he was in the mafia

He also told me to consider being in the underworld as he saw great potential in me. After a while I agreed, and that was how I became Ace" Gabriella briefed

Most of it was a lie but she didn't want to tell them about Luke yet. She just wasn't ready to face that

"So Adonis also knows that you're Ace?" Alessandro asked

"Yes he also helped in training me" she answered

"Did Emilia know about them?" Domenico asked

"She didn't know about them being in the mafia but she had met them a few times and grew fond of them"

"Is there anything else you've been hiding from us?" Antonio asked and she immediately shook her head

"Can you please show me your weapons?" Xander asked looking like he could barely contain his excitement

"Of course" Gabriella said with a slight chuckle seeing the way he grinned

"This should never be spoken of to anybody outside our family. Warn Emilio because if he does anything that would expose my identity then I won't hesitate" she said in a firm voice and they all nodded

"I'll talk to him. No one is going to say anything about this, don't worry" Domenico said reassuringly

"I need to get some sleep bye" Gabriella said with a loud yawn

"And who is gonna clean the mess you made?" Antonio asked as he gestured to the fake blood on the floor

"The one who brought the plan" she said whilst looking at Alessandro and he cursed under his breath

Gabriella's pov-
Morning came rather quickly and I was forced out of bed by Domenico. I took a shower, wore my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast

"Morning bambina" Antonio said and placed a kiss on my forehead

"Morning" I said as I sat down and began stuffing my face with pancakes

"Eat slowly Gabriella. You'll get sick" Leonardo said and I nodded

After eating, we all piled in the car and Stephano drove us to school. I got out and made my way to my class when someone grabbed my arm and shoved me into an empty class room

Looking up, I saw Alessio and I sighed in annoyance. Can't he take a hint and leave me the fuck alone?

"Alessio please let go of my arm" I said as calmly as I could

"Will you listen to me?" He asked

"I'll think about it" I answered and he shook his head

"I need you to listen to me. This is important" he said with an urgency in his tone that suddenly made me want to hear what he had to say

"What is it?" I asked curiously

"You're not safe. You have to be careful Gabriella please, I can't explain what I mean but you have to be careful no matter what. Don't trust people easily" he said and I gawked at him

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