Chapter Forty Seven

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Alessandro's pov
I, Antonio, Domenico and Emilio were in the home office discussing the mafia ball and who should be invited when my phone rang

I looked at it and saw Matteo's name pop up on the screen. He usually calls Antonio but he called me, could it be because of what happened in the morning?

"Yes Matteo?" Upon hearing Matteo's name, I saw Antonio look up, a look of regret flashing in his eyes

"Fratello, Gabriella had a huge fight at school and almost murdered the other girl. The parents of the girl want to get her expelled, please come quick" he said frantically

Can't this girl stay out of trouble?

"Where is she now?" I asked and the line went quiet

"Matteo" I called out

"Urm she stormed out. We don't know where she is right now" he said and I sighed

"Calm down and go stay with the others. We'll be there in fifteen minutes, tell the principal not to do anything until we get there" I said and hung up

"What happened?" Dom asked curiously

"Gabriella got into a fight at school and according to Matteo she almost killed the other girl. The parents want her to be expelled so we should probably head there right now" I explained

"All she can do is cause trouble" Emilio said scornfully

"Shut the fuck up" Dom snapped at him

"It's the truth" Emilio defended himself

"Say that again and I'll break your jaw" Dom said calmly as his eyes grew darker

"Cut it out both of you. And Emilio you might want to watch what you say, I won't warn you again" Antonio intervened

"Let's just go" I said and made my way to the door

"I'm not going" Emilio said

"Great thing I wasn't talking to you then" I retorted, my frustration evident as I walked out

I don't get involved in their drama most of the time but if he doesn't fix his attitude then we might have a problem

"Call Gabriella" I told Dom

"Why do we need to call her if she's at school?, we can just talk to her there" he said in confusion

"She's not there, Matteo said she left afterwards" I explained

"Where are you?" Dom asked as soon as she picked up. Antonio motioned for him to put it on speaker

"I needed to cool off so I went back home" she said stiffly. I can tell she's still pissed, I wonder what the girl did to get her so mad

"Okay stay there. We'll deal with things at school after that, we'll all have a chat about what happened" he said and she hummed and hung up

"Also Antonio you need to fix things with Matteo" I reminded him, concerned about the tension between them

"I know, I'll talk to him at home" he mumbled and I drove to the school

When we arrived at the school, I saw our brothers sitting outside the principal's office

"Are you guys okay?" Antonio asked as he placed his hand on Matteo's shoulder and he stiffened

"We're fine" Matteo said and shrugged his hand off him then went into the office

"Don't push him. Let's deal with this first" Dom said and we all went in

"Welcome Mr De'Luca, I know you've been informed about your sister's behavior

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