Chapter Thirty One

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I couldn't concentrate on anything in school, my mind was filled with her memories, her scent, her cute smile, her innocent nature, her beautiful face. I miss her so much

After a few excruciating hours, school was finally over. I slowly walked over to the car and got in with my brothers and cousins. Brothers nonetheless

"What's wrong with you?" Xavier asked and I just shook my head

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bruno asked and placed his hand on my shoulder

"I'm okay just focus on getting us home" I told them and closed my eyes. I don't have the energy to talk right now

I could still feel most of their eyes on me but I didn't open my eyes. Once the car stopped, I got out and walked into the house. I ignored everyone's curious gazes and quickly rushed upstairs

I got changed into some comfy clothes and sat on my bed, my eyes landed on my guitar that I haven't touched in a long time. I only played when she was around

I grabbed the guitar and started playing our song. She forced me into singing it with her once and since then we always sang together and it was always beautiful

(AN: You can play the song now ^‿^)

I sang the last note and I didn't even realize that I was crying again. I miss her

"Come back to me" I mumbled and I heard multiple clapping, causing me to jump slightly and I quickly turned back and saw..

Third person's pov
When the older ones saw Gabriella just walk upstairs, they threw the younger ones a questioning look

"We don't know, she's been in a shitty mood since this morning. Refused to tell us anything" Diego said with a shrug

"I just hope shes okay, she's become more quite lately. She's pale and doesn't eat much anymore. Worse part is she won't even tell us what's wrong" Antonio said slightly frustrated and Xander scoffed

"What? Don't look at me like that. It's your fault, she shut everyone out because of you Antonio!" Xander yelled angrily and Antonio stared at him in disbelief before his gaze turned cold

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" He asked taking a challenging step forward, Xander also took a step forward in anger

"Xan please calm down" Xavier said in fright. He knew how hotheaded his twin was and at this moment his anger would only land him in trouble

"Shut up" Xander gritted out, still not tearing his gaze away from Antonio

"I'll ask one more time Xander, what do you mean by that?" Antonio asked with tightly clenched fists

"It's your fuckin fault, you're to blame. She had finally started opening up to us but you screwed up just like you did with that Dad!" Xander yelled. Antonio stilled at what he said, all he saw was red.

Before anyone could predict what would happen next..Antonio slapped Xander across the face, Xander looked at him in utter shock. Everyone was, they knew Antonio never raised his hand to any of them

"Watch your fuckin mouth-"

"The fuck is wrong with you Antonio. Stay away from my twin! It's not like he's lying, it's your fault" Xavier growled angrily. He hated the fact that Antonio raised his hand to his other half

"You too?" Antonio asked in shock and disbelief. What happened with their father wasn't his fault

"Guys please stop this, we shouldn't be fighting" Emilio pleaded

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