Chapter fourteen

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Gabriella's pov
I picked up a black cool knife as Stephano instructed us, there was a target infront of us. I'm not actually nervous about this, I've done it a million times before

"Okay keep your shoulders square to tge target, maintain momentum through your shot

Know the distance from the target, keep a firm grip on the knife to steady it, do you understand?" He said and we all nodded

"Start" he said firmly

I made sure to release all the tension in my body and did as he said. I kept my eyes on the target and threw the knife and it hit the bullseye. Only Landon managed to hit the bullseye like me. While Ethan and Noah slightly missed

"You guys did great, really good for beginners. Alright take a break for a while" Stephano praised us and immediately left

I sighed and sat on the floor comfortably. The guys stared down at me weirdly and I shrugged making them smile lightly

"It's nice, you should try it" I urged them and they looked at each other, appearing to be having a silent conversation, before they sat down

I rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see a guy with brown hair staring at me and I gave him a questioning look

"Sup babydoll, you seem lonely. How about I take you out and we could have some fun"

"How about I punch you in the face?" I said in disgust and he scoffed

"You're a bit arrogant. You're not even that pretty" he said with a sneer

"And yet you're trying to hit on me" I retorted and the guy I know as Ethan laughed

"Who the fuck do you think you are to refuse me you bitch!" He snapped stepping closer to me. I stood up and glared at him harshly, I've had enough with his nonsense

"Not a cheap slut" I said

"Whatever, your mama probably sent you here to whore around like her" he said and I growled, landing a hard punch to his jaw

"You bitch!" He yelled and threw a punch at me which I dodged but failed to see his kick that made contact with my ribs and I staggered back in pain. My breath hitched and I held my ribs

I looked up and saw him smiling in satisfaction, no way in hell am I letting him get away with calling my mother a whore. I straightened up and landed heavy punches at his face.

I jabbed him in the neck and he gasped trying to breath. I pulled his hair and kicked his legs making him fall to his knees. I tugged at his hair so he was looking at me

"Wanna repeat that fella?" I asked and he shook his head like an abandoned puppy

"Thought so" I said and pushed him away, trying to keep my anger at bay when someone tapped me and I twisted their hand. I turned back to see Ethan wincing in pain and I immediately let go

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you" I said apologetically

"It's alright, it only hurt for a moment. By the way, you're really cool" he said and I chuckled

"You're not so bad yourself" I commented and he turned slightly red and I laughed

"Thanks. Would you like to be friends with us" he said gesturing towards him, Noah and Landon

"Sure you guys seem cool" I said and they all smiled

"Gabriella!" Stephano yelled angrily as he walked towards me

"What's wrong?" I asked confused and he glared at me. What'd I do?

"What's wrong?. You go around fighting people and you ask me what's wrong?!" He yelled at me and I flinched, moving backwards.

"Listen to her, she did nothing wrong. The guy was making such vile and disgusting comments and he also insulted her mother. Anyone would be angry" Noah explained and Stephano's anger diffused immediately

"I'm so sorry bambina, how dare that idiot. I'll make sure to deal with him" he said softly and I laughed earning a questioning gaze from him

"Sorry it's just, do you have bipolar?. You were so angry a minute ago I was worried and now you're acting like a meek little kitten" I teased and he playfully glared at me

"You're lucky I love you" he said and hugged me tight, kissing my forehead before excusing himself

"Okay are you his girlfriend?" Landon asked, shocked and I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"No he's my brother" I said and their jaws dropped

"Don Antonio's sister?. Mafia princess?" Ethan asked and I nodded not knowing what the big deal was

"I'm so sorry for our disrespect. We'll be leaving now" Landon said and I shook my head

"I'm a normal human being okay. Just because I'm his sister doesn't mean I can't have normal people as friends. Besides I like you guys" I rapped and they gawked at me

"Woah" Ethan exclaimed

"You're pretty down to earth for someone born in the mafia" Noah said with a smile

"We would love to be your friend" Landon said

"Can I get your attention everyone" I heard Alessandro's voice through the mic, drawing everyone's attention to him

"Now that you have all been accepted into the mafia, you must know what is required from all of you

Omertà is our code of conduct here. You don't speak about the mafia to anyone, not even your family. If you ever do, then you'll have yourself to blame for whatever would happen next

You will be seen as a traitor, and a traitor has no place in the mafia. You and the person you snitched to will be killed gruesomely. Do I make myself clear?" He said, his powerful voice demanding respect

"Yes sir!" Everyone said in unison and I could clearly see the fear in their eyes

"Now I would like to introduce to you, my beloved sister and your mafia princess, Gabriella De'Luca" He said and gestured for me to come to the stage and I gulped

I walked towards him, masking my nervousness with a blank look. I stood next to him and he smiled warmly at me

"She is your Princess and you will give her equal respect like you would do to me and my brothers" he said and they all hooted and clapped happily

"Today's trainings are dismissed, go have fun" He said and I walked back to my newly made friends

"Sorry guys I have to go now" I said and Ethan pouted

"I'll miss you" he said and hugged me

"Bye!" I said and left with my brothers

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