Chapter Thirty

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I'm laying on my bed and just staring into space, wondering how my life turned out so messed up. Luke won't stop bothering me and my gut feeling tells me something bad is gonna happen

I feel so conscious that I can't even leave this house without looking around to check if someone's following me. Ironic how one of the best assassin in the world is fuckin scared.

My door creaked open and I looked to see Emilio standing there fidgeting with his fingers.

"What?" I asked drily

"Are you alright?" He asked, possibly sensing my mood

"Yes now what do you want?" I asked

"What's your problem? You've been so distant with everyone. I don't understand, yes we made a mistake but we're humans. Everybody makes mistakes, I do and you do too so quite drowning yourself in self-pity would you!

I've been trying to talk to you and apologize but you don't wanna listen. Why the fuck are you being so difficult" he yelled, clearly expecting a reaction but I gave him a blank look

"Look I couldn't be bothered with half the shit You're saying. I'll ask again, what do you want?" I asked in a heavy voice

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be fighting with you. I'm messing up pretty bad aren't I?" He groaned, gripping his hair in annoyance

"I'm not being very cooperative either. Just tell me why you're here" I said and he walked closer and sat on my bed, holding my hand

"I came to tell you that I've been hanging out with a girl and now she's my girlfriend. Are you okay with that?" He asked and I creased my brows

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked

"Because you won't be the only girl in my life anymore" he said and I shook my head

"Listen you can go out with whoever you want. I don't actually care, I'd never even think that way" I explained and he smiled happily. Looks like he had been thinking hard about my reaction

"I guess I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable and feel like you didn't matter to me anymore. You'll always come first in my life" he said and pulled me into a tight hug causing me to stiffen. I haven't forgiven him yet

"It's okay as long as she doesn't crush your heart" I whispered

"I love you bambina. Goodnight" he said and placed a kiss on my head

Timeskip- Friday morning
I woke up later than usual today amd it's safe to say that I'm in a pissy mood. I begrudgingly did my morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast

"Morning" I grumbled

"Whoa what crawled up your ass and died" Xander commented and I glared at him and he immediately shut up

"Here you go bambina" Emilio said and handed me some french toast and I thanked him

"Hey guys my birthday is tomorrow what are you going to get me" Matteo asked practically jumping on his seat. Shit I forgot about that

"That's for us to know and for you to not find out" Dom said as he placed his hand firmly on Matteo's shoulder to stop his jumping

"All right all of you get out" Antonio said, making a shooing gesture

I grabbed my bag and we went to school. I went to my first class of the day and opened the door to see the teacher glaring at me. Did I mention we arrived ten minutes into the first period?

"This is the third time you're arriving late to my class. Detention!" She shouted. I ignored her and made my way to the back of the class, the only seat available was next to Alessio so I had no choice but to sit there

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