Chapter Forty

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I made my way back to the warehouse as I felt my blood thirst heighten. Today I am finally gonna drop her, I made my way to Enzo who was busy on his phone, I sneak behind him and I jumped on his back

"Hello!" I screamed in his ear and he dropped his phone

"Fuck Ella what's up with you. That phone is so expensive" he grumbled, holding onto my legs

"Oh hush you can buy a new one" I said and he glared at me from the side

"Which you will be paying for. This is the third phone you've broken. Anyway how was the meeting?" He said/ asked

"Fabio is a complete idiot, I can see why his brother took his mafia. The guy couldn't form a complete sentence without stuttering" I said and he burst out laughing

"Can you blame him? The ruthless Ace and shadow in the same room together, who wouldn't be scared" he said and I glared at him. I almost forgot that I was mad at him

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me Shadow was gonna be there" I said and punched him in the guts, making him groan

"Did you start her up for me?" I asked darkly

"Yeah I messed her up just a little bit" he said with a glint in his eyes

"Move her to the steaming room" I said and his eyes widened

"Can I please come with please" he pleaded with a pout. It's almost impossible to say no to this guy

"Sure" I said and he took off. Five minutes later he came back

"She's been moved let's go" he said and we walked to the room

She was seated on a metal chair, three fingers were gone from each hand, her legs had so many cuts and burns, I identified the burns as the ones caused by acid

How do I know? Well her 'daddy' used to pour acid in the fresh wounds he made

"Get me a hammer and some nails please" I ordered to one of the men standing outside, not long after he brought me the things and left

"How are you doing Mel? I hope you are enjoying your stay here" I teased her

"Please, please j-just k-kill m-me a-already" she said barely above a whisper and I laughed. This is what I wanted, for her to beg for death

"Oh so soon? Where's the fun in that?" I said as I knelt down infront of her chair

"Everything I've done so far is what your 'daddy' did to me. You see I believe in the saying 'an eye for an eye'. This is just the first stage darling, my revenge will only ever be complete when I kill your pathetic father" I said venomously

"Don't do this!" She yelled desperately

"Do you remember how you watched what your father did to me and laughed. You laughed everytime I got hurt, when I begged, you mocked me. I will do to you everything that you did to me" I spat out angrily

Tw ⚠️- torture scene ahead

I grabbed a nail and showed it to her and more tears spilled down her eyes. I almost felt bad for her, almost.

"Does this ring a bell? When you drilled a nail into my arm?" I yelled at her and hammered the nail into her foot and she screamed. I repeated the same action with her other foot

"Please get me the alcohol Enzo" I said and he quickly brought it to me

I poured it on every one of her wounds and she screamed till her voice cracked.

I walked out and grabbed my Katana. When I came back, her eyes widened when she saw what I was holding

"Please d-don't" she stuttered and shook her head profusely

I swung the sword and swiftly cut off her right wrist. I watched her scream repeatedly, I carved her skin to the point that she was unrecognizable. I turned to Enzo and he nodded with a smirk

He turned the heat up to the highest level and we went outside, staring at her through the glass window

"It's too hot please let me out!" I heard her muffled voice

I stood there and watched as her body began to melt very slowly with a grin on my face. It was truly a magnificent sight. Her screams stop after what felt like hours, her body looked disgusting

"She's dead" Enzo said, cringing at the sight

"He will pay for what he did to me, mom and her. Take out anyone who is related to him, I don't care if it's a distant relative. I want them all dead" I said coldly and he nodded

"Okay go easy on yourself please" he said and I hugged him

"I will" I said

I hurriedly changed my clothes and left for home, it's already dark. I can't believe I spent the entire day out, when I arrived, I saw everyone seated in the living room.

"Where have you been?" Tony asked

"You were gone the entire day, do you know how worried we were?!" Dom asked as he made his way over to me

"Right, I'm sorry" I apologized, not having the energy for a fight

"It's okay go take a shower and come have dinner" Tiny said softly and I quickly took a shower and threw on a baggy shirt that reached my thighs. I went down and saw the runaway brother (Emilio) sitting at the table too

"May I ask why you were being the way you were this morning?" Ales asked

"No you may not" I said and he nodded in understanding with a quiet sigh

"Will you ever tell us the truth?" Leonardo asked and I gritted my teeth

"There is nothing to be worrying about. Just eat your food please" I said tiredly. At this point I was really contemplating going back to my room

"If something is wrong you should be able to tell us bambina"

"potete semplicemente stare zitti? perché continui a tormentarmi?!" I snapped. (Can you all just shut up? why do you keep pestering me?!)

"First of all, rude, you can't talk to us like that. And you speak italian?" Ales asked

"Yes" I said drily

"How?" Bruno asked

"I just know how to" I said, internally cursing myself. I just happens to speak it when I'm really frustrated

"Who taught you?" Diego asked

"Mom did" I lied, mom never even told me about the fact that I had a family not to talk of her teaching me italian. Mi amore taught me, she spoke italian very fluently

"Okay" Nicolo said

"Look I'm going to bed. I'd appreciate it if non of you disturb me" I said and got up

"But stella you hardly ate anything. You didn't even touch the food" Angelo said and I froze in my spot. (Star)

Hey guys

I hope you like this chapter. Please tell me what you think about it in the comment section

I'm not good at torture scenes so sorry if you didn't like it

Anywho bye and please don't forget to vote and comment babye❤️

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