Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next morning, I woke up early and took a shower still thinking of the events of yesterday. Maybe I'm just being paranoid for nothing

I got dressed in all black because that's how I felt inside. I slowly made my way to the dining room and everyone was already there. The room became quiet immediately they noticed me

"Good morning" I greeted and sat next to Bruno

"How are you feeling bambina?" Stephano asked and I shrugged

"I'm fine I guess" I mumbled and he sighed, offering a small smile

Time skip- at school
We pulled up and got out from the car, making our way into school. I received alot of stares, probably from what happened yesterday. I was ten minutes early so I had some time to myself

I saw Alessio in the class and he was staring at me, I walked to my seat and sat down, resting my head on the table when I got a call from an unknown number

"Hello?" I said cautiously

"My Gabby dolly I see no one believed you huh. They won't even know it's me when I kill you and send you to your mother. Get ready because I'm coming for you" I heard Luke say and hung up before I could say anything

He's real, it's not a prank. Luke is really alive, my breath hitched and I tried desperately to control myself. How do I prove that he's alive

I could show my brothers the call log and they'll finally believe me. I checked my phone only to see it delete right infront of me

"What the fuck!" I growled in annoyance. I could see Alessio looking at me weirdly. Great now even the new guy thinks I'm crazy

"Sorry" I mumbled and placed my head on my desk as I felt my energy drain and my face paled

Soon the class door opened and Noah, Ethan and Landon walked in with worry etched on their faces

"Hey are you okay?. We saw you crying yesterday. God please tell us what happened, we'll kill whoever hurts you" Noah said and I smiled faintly

My heart warmed knowing I have such good friends. Should I tell them? No. I trust them but it's just really hard to touch that topic without getting emotional

"It's nothing, I was thinking about my mom and it made me really emotional because I'll never see her again" I said as I choked out a sob, I've been crying alot lately and I hate it

"Oh dear, don't cry. We're really sorry about your mom" Landon said and they all engulfed me in a tight yet comforting hug.

"You'll be fine baby, I can't lie and say I understand how you're feeling but I do know you'll be okay. After all you're my badass bestie" Ethan said jokingly and I chuckled

This is what I love about all of them, they always manage to make me laugh even when I'm at my lowest.

"Sorry but we have to get to class now" Landon said and I nodded. They all hugged me before they left

I could still feel Alessio's eyes on me but I don't have the energy to be bothered by him right now.

The teacher came in and started teaching but I couldn't concentrate on anything because of the call. I have never been scared of anyone the way I am of Luke.

I can kill any one at any given time but when it comes to Luke my blood runs cold. I can't function because of the fear he has instilled in me from a young age. Dear God, is this how I'm going to die, by the hands of a psychopath

I heard the bell ring and I left the class and headed to my friends who were already waiting outside the class for me. Nathan was the first to notice me and pulled me into a warm hug

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