✿︎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓: 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥✿︎

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ᗩᒪᗪᖇIᑕ ᑭOᐯꨄ︎

I could not sleep knowing that she was out there ,alone.I spent the day staring at her paintings.

It made me uneasy because I thought if I found her again everything would make sense, only now Im more confused than ever.

I miss our sword fights, our horse races and stealing mortals from traders. But she changed and I dont know how to feel about that. She dosent like swords ,she prefers to be quiet and to paint. The Adeline I knew was loud and unpredictable, she was a storm but now she feels more like a deer

Worse my mark is fading. A mark that appears on you when you have found your soulmate. A mark that makes it impossiable to live without each other , you'd die if you stayed away from your patner for longer than a day. You feed off the emotion and energy of your patner,when shes said you are sad. It also allows you to feel the physical pain and talk to your patner through thoughts.

Me and Adeline no longer have that and I dont know why.

I get up and start walking on the queen's garden, mind clouded with thoughts not even a drink could numb. I take a seat on a mushroom and remain still leaning on a tree. Until I heard a sound, someone else was here and they just made their first move.

I grabbed their arm and lunged them over my shoulder , and was ready to deliver a punch until I saw who it was.  " not bad although I still would beat you" I smiled and helped him up. My father's best friend Biram

"whats eating you up my boy?" I poured out all my worries while he listened. "Hmmm...you might not like what I have to say" "you probbally right  but go ahead" "you are nothing more beyond Adeline's lover. You have no life of your own or personality. You have no goals or hopes no more , she is your breath and water. Not to say it is wrong but that you are neglecting yourself for her, I worry you will die in her names sake. I might be old but I'm not blind, the mark probbally dosen't belong to her. and I suspect that it might be a sign that you real soul-mate is out there..."

Of course he knew about the mark. His words rattle me, I have fought and  bled to find her again, I have sacrificed a lot for her and because of that I'm not ready to give it all up. This might just be another hurdle to jump over. I'll learn to love her again just as before. But then again that won't change Biram's words. I am truly nothing without Adeline. A fate I've chosen for myself , one that I will forever continue to accecpt though I hope its a fate that I wont regret....

Tᕼᗴ ᑫᑌᗴᗴᑎ'Տ ᑭOᐯ♔︎

I had just slapped my son, the fool had  almost doomed me by almost killing Adeline.

He glared me of course with a glare that asked me why. I wish I could answer but if he knew , he would go and do something stupid. And I could not afford stupidity.

my son left and sat there thinking about my next move but I was interrupted by an annoying girl.

"Good evening your higness, does the day not spoil us with its beauty?"  She mockingly bowed down to me. I sneered annoyed. 

"What a hostile greetings to a past friend" she smiled "wouldnt you like to kmow the reason for my unexpected visit?" I rolled my eyes "you missed me" I offered.

" ha arent you a charmer no the real reason is that I came to warn of not keeping your secrects close to you" she smiled "meaning?"

"Meaning I know of the secrects that rot your household. Of what the kingdom's princess really is... And do not attempt to play dumb" "what do you want?" " I dont want anything from you except for my husband" her hands balled up into a fist" forget it, even I could not break the curse and bring him back . I was not the one who punished him and the one who punished him is long dead"

"well then hear me well. I will continue and finish what my husband started" " oh you would not dare to pose a threat to the kingdom. Not when you are bonded to it" "thats where you wrong, once the remaining magic has faded. I will no longer be bonded, meaning play time for me" she smiled a truly evil smile " for now just enjoy your luxuries...while it last"she smirked then disapeard into the shadows.

Oh arent I in trouble. Now I truly have a reason to look for Adeline, hope the fool hasnt done something stupid.

So I get off my throne and take a secrect path that leads to the private jail. I am lead by guards and I command them to release her.

"Since you so miss your daughter so much I'll let you see her on the condition you'll find her" Adeline's mother is the only one who can bring her back and she better for there is a heavy price to pay.

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