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It was upcoming Anya's 11th year at Eden College and she had collected nine stella, making her an imperial scholar, and her father Loid, (or Twilight, if you knew him as such), had finally gotten to his target, Donovan Desmond, and has started to become closer to him. Even though it took eight years-she had gotten her eight stars when she was fourteen-no extreme signs of war had popped up.

Now that her father was gaining the information and trust he needed from Donovan, she didn't have anything else she needed to worry about: the world would soon be at peace.

She used to be scared Loid would stop being her papa, but from how much Loid had grown to truly love his (once) pretend family, she didn't need to worry about that.

However, Anya soon found herself on a mission of her own; it seemed Damian, (Donovan Desmond's second son,) had a crush on her! Who could've guessed?

And with the prestigious prom Eden held for their imperial scholars-who were over the age of sixteen, of course-was coming up, Anya knew this was her chance to get Donovan to warm up to the Forgers.

If she dated Damian, that would surely make their families closer-and the guy already liked her!

How hard could it be?



i know she was supposed to get all 8 stella in like 4 months but uhhhhhhhh

i wanted them to go to prom 🤪


January, 1st, 2024.

Word Count
Ao3 (15+) - Buttercup_Clouds
Tiktok - Buttercup_Clouds
Pinterest - Buttercup_Cloudss

Eden's Prestige Prom Night |A Damianya Story|Where stories live. Discover now