Chapter 2 : Extremely Un-Gentlemanly

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As Anya ate her udon, (with peanuts on the side, of course,) she couldn't stop staring at Damian. It felt as if a brick got dropped on her head. Is she really so oblivious she didn't notice?? For ten years???

"Anya!" Becky called out, knocking the pinkette out of her thoughts. "You aren't listening to me at all!" She whined, "If you're so shocked Damian loves you back, just go ask him out!"

Anya furrowed her brows at the brunette, "What do you mean 'loves me back,' I don't love Damian."

Becky took a deep, long breath in, «The world's really testing my patience today...» She thought.

Anya held back her offended face.

"If you don't love Damian..." Becky said calmly before shaking Anya like a mad woman, yelling, "THEN WHY WERE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH BECOMING HIS FRIEND FOR TEN YEARS??!?"

Anya froze—in her brain, at least, in reality she was still being shook back and forth—what was she going to tell her? The entirety of the friendship scheme??

Lucky for Anya, she was a master at coming up with excuses. So as Becky shook her she said, "A-a-n-n-y-a-a-a d-o-o-e-s-s-n-t-t-t k-k-n-o-w-w-w-w-!!!"

Becky finally stopped shaking her to give the pinkette a confused look. "...What do you mean you don't know?" Anya just gave the brunette her cheeky, signature grin, "I mean, I have no idea why I wanted to be his friend." She spoke, almost proud that she came up with such a 'convincing' lie.

Becky pouted, crossing her arms as she glared at her friend. "Y'know, for an imperial scholar, you're really bad at lying." Anya gasped, Becky just ignored her, leaning her elbow on the lunch table so she could sit her chin in her palm. "Listen, you don't have to tell me the truth—since I already know—but at least try to talk to the guy! I think you'd be cute together~"

Anya looked back to Damian, she still hadn't fully decided if it was a good idea to get with him or not. But when he stood up and walked away without his little minions, Becky told her this was her chance, and so, she followed him.

"Ugh..." Damian groaned, holding his hands over his head as he leaned his face on the table—he couldn't stop thinking about why Anya would be staring at him earlier. He was so distraught he couldn't even face her. He had to eat sitting his back towards her, (which made him think why he didn't just eat in the special lunchroom for imperial scholars, but he already made his bed, now he had to lay in it.)

"Uhm... Lord Damian...?" Ewen said nervously. Damian shot his eyes up at his friend, his pink ears poking out beneath his arms, "What." He snapped. Emile looked at the table behind them with an annoyed glare, "That uggo is staring at you again."

Damian immediately popped up from his seat, slamming his hands on the table as he did. He took un-even breaths as he stared into nothing with a bright red face. Emile and Ewen shared a concerned look before Emile asked, "Uh... Lord Damian? are you feeling alright-"

"Fine!" He announced, cutting the blond off, "I'm fine, I just need a moment alone," He insisted, even though no one was doubting him.

Damian stepped out of the bench-like seats, telling his friends he'd be back before classes began again before leaving into the hallway.

When he walked outside the dining hall and into the empty corridor, he sighed. «Finally, I'm alone.» He thought happily, but those happy thoughts left as soon as they came when he heard the lunchroom door open, followed by footsteps.

Damian groaned, «Did one of them follow me??» But when he turned around, he was shocked to see Anya Forger.

Damian immediately blushed. What was she doing out here?! "W-what are you doing, you shrimp!!" He insulted, hoping it would get her to go away, but Anya just crossed her arms, stomping up to him with a pout on his lips.

They stared at each other for a moment—Damian, a flustered red mess; Anya, pouting and suspicious looking—before the pinkette broke the silence.

"I wanna be your friend!"

Damian gasped, somehow becoming redder as he jumped back, «What on earth is happening today?!?!» He thought, «Why is Anya acting like this all of the sudden... Why is this happening to me!!!!»

The boy shuddered as he yelled back, "F-forget it!! I'll never want to be your friend! Never-ever!!" But his brain actively fought his mouth, his mind screaming back, «NOOO!!! why did you say that?! You'll never have a chance now you dumbass!!!»

Anya furrowed her eyebrows, why couldn't he just say what was on his mind? She already knew it anyways!

"...Are you sure." She asked, Damian just blushed even more, he looked like he was about to blow a fuse. "OF COURSE I AM!!" He practically cried out, backing away even more from the pinkette—who, much to his happiness and destain, just followed him, being even closer than before—"Why would I ever want to be f-friends with you! You... you um... You stubby-legged freak!!"

«Damn it!! What is wrong with you?!»

He, once again ignored his thoughts: until he noticed Anya begin to tear up.

His heart dropped. What had he done? He'd called her all these things before and she never seemed upset, so why was she crying?

He took a step forward, looking at the sad pinkette with a worried expression. "...Anya, I didn't mean to..." Anya sniffled her nose, looking down at her feet as he put a comforting hand on her arm, "I-... I'm sorry, I was being rude..."

Anya shook her head, wiping away her tears as she looked up at the boy in front of her. He's never been this comforting to her, it was strange, but it was nice. "Is' not that..."—She never spoke sloppily anymore, only when she felt a strong emotion like that—"Anya's jus' f-feeling over-overwhelmed and confused... I'm sorwy..."

Damian bit his gums as he looked at her. This was all his fault, God, he was an idiot. "No! Don't apologize," He insisted, making Anya sniffle again as he put another hand on Anya's other arm, "I was being extremely un-gentlemanly. It would be delightful to be your friend, Anya; we are both Imperial Scholars after all," He cleared his throat a little as he whispered, "we should be together..."

Anya smiled lightly at him, putting one of her own hands on his arm as she used the other to wipe her tears, "F-fank you, sy-on boy..."

Damian felt as if he was going to pass out from how hot his face was becoming, especially after Anya touched his arm. He immediately pulled away, crossing his arms as he mumbled, "N-no problem..."

Anya just giggled at his internal freakout, Damian didn't seem that bad after all, maybe she could genuinely like him romantically?

«What?!» Anya thought. What was that strange idea doing in her brain? «What am I even thinking, there's no way that's gonna happen," She thought with a smile, but as she watched Damian nervously try to ask if she'd like to study with him after school, her brain couldn't stop itself.

«He is pretty cute though...»


they're so cute


ok bye hope u enjoyed

January, 5th, 2024.

Word Count
Ao3 (15+) - Buttercup_Clouds
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Pinterest - Buttercup_Cloudss

Eden's Prestige Prom Night |A Damianya Story|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें