Chapter 8 : Damian Desmond, the Bitter Cheerleader

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Anya ran after the ball as she kicked it, some of her opponents trying to kick it towards the other side of the field, but she side-kicked it to one of her team's midfielders just in time, smirking at the un-expecting player as she did so.

God, she loved reading minds.

Today was the day of her big soccer game, it is the game that will determine if she'll go to nationals or not. And if her father is to be believed, she should be getting a stella if she wins.

Anya continued to run towards the ball—they were in the midfield after all, and even though her teammate could score the goal, it would be easier for her to do it since she played striker—watching it as they skillfully kicked it across the lawn, almost getting it to another player, but mid kick the ball got stolen by the other schools forward.

Anya exhaled sharply, she had played against that particular striker before, and he was good. She ran towards him head-on, planning on kicking it right out from beneath him.

Unfortunately, their opponent's striker was much faster than Anya and ran past her—stupid boy's and their stupidly long legs!—but it wasn't over yet, because as soon as he passed her, another one of her fellow strikers got the ball from him.

Anya cheered tiredly as her teammate easily ran with the ball, but her eyes went wide as she noticed her teammate was running the ball towards her.

Anya let out a small sigh before getting into position, preparing herself to accept the ball—it was nice winning all the time and being the 'star player' since she knew everyones plans the second they thought of them, but she wished sometimes her team would try doing it themselves for once.

«Whatever, it doesn't matter,» Anya thought, a smirk forming on her lips, «As long as we win.»

Anya quickly accepted the ball, running to her rival's goal as fast as she physically could. One more goal and they'd win, and with less than a minute on the timer, she didn't have any time to spare.

The goalie squinted their eyes as Anya got closer, sidestepping towards where they expected the ball to go, and so Anya kicked it that way; except, of course, she used her special technique her mama taught her, and kicked her special curveball, catching the goalie off guard and scoring the last goal of the match, making Eden College the winners.

"WOO!!!" Damian cheered with the rest of the audience, watching Anya's teammates cheer and pick up the pinkette who got them that final win.

Unfortunately, he had not gotten the cheerleading uniform—they didn't sell his size in the stores, which he complained bitterly about—or the promposal planned out, because there was no way he would've had the confidence for that.

But, that was all okay, because seeing Anya win for Eden and being so incredibly happy about it made him forget about all his plans that went belly up; Anya had a tendency to do things like that, to make him forget all his worries.

Damian beamed as he kept thinking about Anya's win. It was so strange, the things that happened with her. The pinkettes wins felt just as good as his.

The green-haired boy let out a sigh, thinking about 'wins' made him remember all about how he still needed to study—he had forgotten all of what he had studied yesterday, most definitely because he was daydreaming about the soccer match.

Damian stood up, looking at Anya talk to her coach and parents—who had made their way to her to congratulate her on the win, he guessed, even though Anya looked strangely annoyed.

He let a small smile form on his lips. Even though he'd be studying until the library closed, (and after that back in his dorm,) it was worth it to see her play.

Eden's Prestige Prom Night |A Damianya Story|Where stories live. Discover now