Chapter 14 : Say Yes to the (Prom) Dress!

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"Wait a minute, how did he ask you again?!" Becky asked, her jaw open as she pulled down her sunglasses to add to the effect.

Anya rolled her eyes at the brunette's dramatics. "Second son just said 'You should go to the imperial scholar's prom with me.' Nothing weird."

Becky laughed out a cackle. She looked to the front seat towards her dear Martha. "You hear that, Martha?" She snickered, "He said 'you should!' Of course the Damian Desmond would demand a prom date!"

Anya rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she looked at her best friend. "It was more of a suggestion, if anything." She played back. "Anyways, all that matters is that Anya and Damian are going together, right?"

Becky huffed, slouching back into her limo's soft cushions. "I guess..." Becky grumbled before sliding even more towards the ground with a groan, ignoring Martha's words of 'sitting like a lady' and yelling, "It's just more fun to make fun of him!! ...Damian is so lame."

Anya laughed at that, nodding with a stupid smirk on her face as she thought about her prom date. "He is,"

After the two girls giggled together for a bit, the car stopped at its location. And as Anya looked out the window, she felt a bucket of relief fall over her. «Becky rented her usual mall,» Anya thought. «thank goodness...»

Once the duo—plus Martha—got inside the mall, Becky almost immediately sprinted with Anya in her hand, running as fast as possible to the prom stores.

"B-e-e-e-c-k-y-y-y-y-!" Anya called out to her friend, who was dragging her to the closest 'Nadines.' "S-t-o-o-o-p f-o-o-r-r-r a m--i-n-u-u-u-i-t-e-e-e-e-e-!-!-!" She begged, but Becky just ignored her friend and stuffed her into the nearest dressing room, immediately tossing as many dresses as possible over the door—to keep the pinkette occupied, of course—before turning to the workers with a serious expression.

"Attention!" She yelled out, the workers all saluting immediately—besides Martha: she just laughed to herself. "Today we are finding Anya Forger a prom dress. She's going to the prom with the man of her dreams!"

"Shut up! Anya is so not!!" Anya yelled back, but just as earlier, Becky ignored her comeback, brushing it off with a simple, "Anyways,"

Becky crossed her arms, bringing back her seriousness. "The dress code forbids strapless or any upper thigh showing. Anya looks best in blues, yellows, whites, and reds—but no pinks!! It'll clash with her hair!" She reprimanded, even though no one had even suggested that color. "Now go! This is my best friend here!!"

The small army of mall workers yelled back, "Yes, Miss Becky!" Before running off in all sorts of directions, trying to find the perfect dress.

"Ugh..." Anya groaned from behind the curtain. "These dresses you gave Anya are too heavy! How is she expected to dance in this?? I can barely pick it up!"

Becky snorted at her best friend's complaints. "Oh, sweet, sweet Anya," The brunette sighed out. "Don't you know the only reason people go to prom is to dress cute and kiss? There's really no other reason."

Anya gasped, her whole worldview crashing around her.

That couldn't be the real reason, ...could it?

"T-there's no way!" Anya squeaked. "Second son would never invite Anya to some... kissing party!!" She insisted, ripping the dressing room curtain open to stare at the girl giving her such terrifying information.

"Ugh... you're right," Becky complained, upset by her realization. "Damian is too much of a wuss to do that—hell, you'll probably have to kiss him first!" The brunette cackled.

Anya blushed hard, looking at Becky with an annoyed expression, but before she could inform her friend on how gross kissing was, dozens of workers came flooding back, holding beautiful—and no doubt, wildly expensive—dresses.

Becky gasped, gazing at all the sparkles with eyes that nearly sparkled even more. "Do any of these dresses call out your name, Anya? Because they sure call mine!!"

Anya stared blankly at each dress, looking through all the ball gowns. "...Not really. They're all too... oh!" She suddenly spoke, her eyes giving a glow.

It was her dress.

"You chose the best dress!" Becky giggled out, holding onto Anya's arm as they walked back to the limo. Martha walking behind them with two dresses—Becky decided she needed one too; what if she somehow qualified last minute??—a pair of shoes, and some accessories.

Anya couldn't stop the smile on her lips. She really did. She never really cared for dresses and the such—sure, she got excited about new outfits, (or ootfits, as she used to say,) but they never made her feel like she felt when she saw that dress. It was perfect.

"You're gonna look spectacular for prom! Damian is gonna drop dead when he sees you!!" Becky added in.

Anya gasped, looking at her friend with terror. "Do you really think so?!"

The brunette laughed a bit, nudging Anya with her elbow. "Obviously not,"

Anya sighed, partially from relief and partially from disappointment—it would've really helped her future career as spy/professional peanut eater/assassin if she could kill someone with just a glance of her dress.

After the two sat in Becky's limo and Martha began to drive off, Becky wrapped her arms around her best friend, giving her a wicked grin. "I can't believe the romance chapter of your life is starting; and before mine too!"

Anya couldn't help but laugh at that, hugging her friend back. "I doubt it'll last," She mumbled. There was no way she could seriously be with Damian; how would she tell him about her telepathy? That seems like something a serious partner would need to know. And it seemed terrible to use someone she truly liked for her mission, even if her parents were doing it and they were happy, it seemed different somehow.

Becky gasped, letting go of the girl's torso and grabbing onto her face. "You can't say that before it even starts!!" She insisted, "Or you're dooming it!!!"

Anya smiled softly, although it got a bit smooshed by how tight the brunette was holding her face. "Becky's right,"

Becky smirked, letting go of Anya so she could lean on the pinkette's shoulder. "'Becky' is always right." She said, making Anya laugh again. She leaned her head back onto her best friend, repeating her words.

"Becky is always right..."




February, 16th, 2024.

Word Count
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