Chapter 4 : Anya's Overprotective Dad

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As Damian's personal driver drove up to the Forger household, Anya couldn't help but feel a bit relieved. She didn't know why, but it felt like she had trouble keeping her heartbeat at a normal rate. Maybe it was because she was nervous about Operation C—the dating scheme, she thought of it all by herself, which she was very proud of—or maybe it was because she had those really salty peanuts during their snack break.

Well, no matter the reason, she just wanted to watch her show Bondman, eat dinner, (hopefully her dad was cooking,) and sleep.

Anya looked back to Damian, who was keeping himself busy with a book—apparently not noticing they had stopped. Probably because when Anya read his mind, the only reason he was reading was to keep himself from saying anything stupid, which didn't make sense to the pinkette, so she just ignored it.

Anya looked back to her house, he's never been inside her house, had he? Well, if he was her friend now, it would just be rude to not invite him in!

"Sy-on boy!" She practically yelled, making Damian jump in his seat, a hand over his heart as he looked at Anya with big, angry eyes. "W-what!?" He responded, stuttering from the jumpscare.

Anya smiled, leaning forward a bit as she asked, "Wanna come in and see Anya's house?"

Damian blushed at the invite. Go into her house? Anya Forger's house?? Go into the house of the cutest girl he's ever seen in his entire life??!

Damian blushed harder at that thought, «Ugh... stop thinking like that you weirdo... it's not like her house made her that cute- ACK! DAMIAN DESMOND!!!» The green-haired boy forced himself to take a deep breath, making his heartbeat slow down so he could answer casually—but not really that casually—"Yeah, sure."

When Anya showed him inside, he was... surprised, to say the least. Her living room was about a sixth of theirs at the Desmond Manor; in fact, their entire house was probably the size of his school dorm, and he thought that was small.

"Mama! Papa! I'm home!!" Anya called out as she took off her shoes, Damian doing the same, (it seemed like the polite thing to do.)  Anya looked back at Damian, a proud smirk on her face. "Well, sy-on boy? Anya's house is pretty nice, huh?"

Damian glanced around for about two seconds before saying blankly, "I have pantries bigger than this house. I didn't realize commoner's houses were so tiny and sad." A matching smirk to Anya's appeared on his face as he asked, "Is this why you are so small and short? You've been confined to this broom closet?"

Anya squinted her eyes at the boy, sticking her finger in her face as she threatened, "Don't forget, you're in Anya's house. I can kill you, say you broke in, and get completely off the hook."

They stayed in that position for a bit too long, which made Damian start to think she wasn't joking, but as soon as he began to think that, the pinkette backed off, turning back around and cupping her hands around her mouth. "Mama!! Papa!! Hurry up!!! I brought a friend!"

Anya groaned, crossing her arms as she stomped to their bedroom—when Anya was young, they had separate bedrooms, but when she turned around eleven, they started sharing one—Damian wasn't sure if he should follow her, so he just stayed where he was, slyly watching the grumpy pinkette slam her parents' door open.

After standing there for ten seconds, she turned back around, huffing angrily. "They aren't even here!" She complained, mumbling other stuff as she stomped back over to Damian, who, after learning that new information, was a flustered mess.

«We're alone? Together?? In the Forger household??? In the Forger household alone????»

Eden's Prestige Prom Night |A Damianya Story|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang