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When the sun rose the next day, Yoojin stirred awake. She groaned. There was a light pounding in her head, but she felt much better than yesterday. The recent events played back in her head and her eyes widened. Where was Wooyoung? She stretched her neck, turning her head to the right to find Wooyoung sleeping in another hospital bed. He looked like a puppy, quietly laying there with his mouth open just a fraction. Smiling to herself, she allowed herself to take it all in now while he couldn't see.

"Are you going to keep staring at my face all day?" Wooyoung asked, slowly blinking awake.

Yoojin's eyes went wide, and she faced the ceiling to hide her embarrassment.

"How'd you know I was staring?" she asked.

"Ha, I was right. You were staring," Wooyoung quipped quietly.

The girl sighed, annoyed that she fell for his trick.

"What were you going to do if I was sleeping, and you woke me up?" she questioned.

"Then you'd be lucky and get to wake up to my beautiful voice."

Yoojin cracked a grin, missing their banter and flirting. They laid there for a good few minutes, basking in the comfortable silence. However, Yoojin's mind was still filled with awkward scenarios.

"Are you okay?" Wooyoung finally spoke.

"Yeah," Yoojin replied. "You?"

"Yeah." A pause. "I'm really sorry. About everything. I promised myself that I'd never let you get hurt and I failed."

Yoojin looked over at him. "Hey, that's not your fault. You couldn't control what happened and you can't always protect me."

Wooyoung clenched his fists. He was furious with himself that he couldn't save her nor get revenge. What was all his training for? What was it all for if he didn't have Yoojin anymore?

"We're still friends though, right?" Yoojin quietly asked.

"Of course," Wooyoung forced a smile. "You know I can't live without you."

Yet it was killing him. He couldn't hug her or kiss her anymore or call her 'his'. She could date someone else, and he wouldn't be able to do anything. He didn't know if he could survive being just friends, but he couldn't say 'no' when she looked at him like that with her innocent eyes and soft lips.

"Same," Yoojin added, filling the silence.

Wooyoung was her first everything – her first kiss, her first boyfriend – and he was still the only guy that she was completely comfortable with, besides her twin.

"Happy birthday for Sunday," Wooyoung said.

"Thank you," the girl smiled at him.

"I was going to text you, but it felt weird not saying it in person. And then all that shit happened yesterday."

Sunday morning, he woke up way before the sun and drafted many texts to wish her a happy 16th birthday but ended up deleting them all. He spent nearly half an hour torturing his phone with all that cheesy stuff. Then he spent another half an hour contemplating whether he should deliver the birthday present that he bought a while ago. As planned, he had bought a fluffy teddy bear that was as big as a washing machine. It was a simple design coloured light brown.

Wooyoung worried that she might reject it, but he decided to just do it – he was just a friend giving his friend a birthday present. He walked to her house with the plushie and on the way, he bought a single camellia from the florist. Hopefully, the flower would convey his sincerity and she would take him back.

His Reason to Fight (Weak Hero Class 1)Where stories live. Discover now