Sunshine - Chapter 1

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Sunshine pierces Y/N's blinds as he rolls over, trying to obscure his vision from the painful rays. He hadn't really gotten used to the sunrises. They were very pretty, and he was always happy when he caught them in the morning, but they never seemed to catch him at a good angle. He was never bathed in their warm glory, they felt more like harsh knives jabbing into his sockets. At least his bed was comfy. Though he'd have to get up sooner rather than later.

Y/N wasn't really a morning person. Most would therefore call him 'nocturnal', but truth was he couldn't sleep well at all and then suffered through to the mornings. He didn't know what it was; insomnia, an unbroken habit or just being unlucky. Didn't really matter what it was, it felt pretty unfixable and he'd grown used to dreading the night and morning. Y/N's alarm went off again, vibrating the bedside table whilst ringing out its chirpy tune. Groaning, Y/N went to reach for the alarm, missing a few times before grabbing his phone and slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes. Oh yeah, school. OH YEAH, SCHOOL.

Y/N jumped out of bed, running off of pure fear and adrenaline. He was going to be late if he kept tossing and turning in bed.

He had prepared his uniform the night before. It was a strange outfit, a combination of shirt, undershirt, vest and blazer, and the vest had this strange leathery fish scale look to it. After freshening up first and throwing it on, Y/N hopped to a mirror, looking himself up and down. Y/N didn't really wear suits very often, he didn't really have many opportunities to dress up all fancy, and his last school didn't have a uniform. It felt really stuffy, so Y/N unbuttoned his shirt a bit and took off the tie gripping around his neck. Ah, much better.

Right, breakfast. Now he was living alone, Y/N had to buy all his own groceries. It was fun, quite the free feeling. It's a good thing his parents had the money and care to supply him enough to actually get by. He'd been searching for a job, but had no luck, so mum and dad just said to hold on and they'll take care of it all. They were too nice, honestly. Y/N grabbed a cereal bar of some sorts, no idea what's in it but it'll do, and started to pack his back. Y/N was almost excited. He left his last school for a myriad of reasons; horrible teachers, lessons, rules, environment, friends, everything that may have been bad about a school was rough about that one. This made Y/N promptly drop out about halfway through his education, and then he went off to live on his own. So he hasn't really had anything to... do for the past two months or so. And no one to talk to. Guess lousy friends would do that to you.

Y/N's old friends were not nice. He always said they started nice, but then who knows what even happened. Y/N liked to think he was pretty charismatic though, and he can get a really informative read on people quite quickly. Hopefully, that'll help him find some actually nice people this time around.

Y/N walked out of his house, quickly analysing a route on his phone to get there. His house was nice actually, small and quaint but plenty of personality. He didn't know anyone else his age that lived alone and to be honest he doubted anyone did. Y/N's parents were this lovely old Japanese couple that lived in Shizuoka. They were retired from some old very profitable job, Y/N never asked out of respect, but they lived very humbly whist holding onto a lot of money, which ended up going down the pipeline to Y/N. Luckily he had learned to be modest with his spending from his parents, but he never really felt like he grew up 'rich'. Now he had his own house fully paid for at eighteen, however...

Y/N popped in some headphones to distract himself from the noise of Tokyo as he walked. Tokyo was very big and very loud. Y/N didn't do well with super loud noises, so instead opted to blast super loud music into his ears like a normal person. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Y/N weaved through the morning crowds of Monday, trying not to stare or stand out too much. School was only about ten minutes from his place, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem-

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