Fall - Chapter 9

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Fall. Autumn. The best season, in Y/N's opinion. Summer was always way too warm. Everyone only liked Summer for the holidays anyway, and you don't get summer breaks if you have a job unless you book time off, unlike the six week break school usually gave you. Winter was always way too cold. Sure you've got Christmas, but then Winter was just dark and cold and wet and sad. Spring was nice but forgetful. What even happens in Spring? Japan had cherry blossoms, which did knock it up a peg, but still. This left autumn. Y/N liked the colours, the weather, the food, the feelings. Subconscious or not, Y/N often linked autumn to nostalgia. What does the West call it? Fall? Because the leaves fall? Suppose that makes sense. It's not as fun a word as autumn though.

Fall, however, was coming to a close as Winter soon approached. This also marked the up and coming Winter Festival, which was apparently a new thing according to Yuri. This also marked Y/N performing for a crowd of maybe two or two hundred on a nice little mock up stage for up to two hours in the cold. Y/N wasn't afraid of the performance part... is what he'd usually say. unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately depending on how the performance goes, a particular pair of emerald eyes will be watching him alongside the Literature Club. This could either go spectacularly or horrifically. What if Y/N knocked something off stage? What if his body decided to fall off stage? he'd never fallen off of a stage before, but he imagined it hurt a lot. Especially if your instrument came with you and hit you in the face.

Y/N - "Yo Sayori, I've gotta stay behind for like ten or twenty ish more minutes after my music lesson to get some practice in for the festival. If I'm taking too long, I personally encourage you to march into the practice rooms and steal me back for the club."

Sayori - "Oho, such a responsibility! Hmm, will I be up for the challenge~?"

Y/N - "Alright, Yuri, I personally encourage you to march into the practice rooms and steal me back for the club."

Sayori - "Heyyyy!"

Yuri - "Are you sure? We don't wish to cut into your practice time if it's important."

Y/N - "Well, the club's important too. I don't wanna fall behind on poems, I've written a banger for today."

Yuri laughed at Y/N's enthusiasm while nodding at his request.

Yuri - "Then I assure you, if you are absent for over thirty minutes the whole club shall bash down the doors to the practice room as if we were raiding a castle."

Natsuki - "We can use Sayori like a battering ram!"

Sayori - "Yeah! Use me like a battering ram!"

They all laughed at Sayori's happiness of being used as a blunt pole to smash open doors with. Lunch was one of the best times of the day for Y/N; while he enjoyed his lessons, nothing really beat hanging out with the club members for an hour and just joking about. He did wish Monika could join them, but respected her wish for privacy away from the prying eyes against her popularity.

Y/N made sure to join Monika for lunch on the roof at least once a week, though it was often more depending on how loud the cafeteria was. She kept on prying him for a second date. Y/N had been frantically searching for the next nicest place to take her. The park? A fancy restaurant? The beach? Hopefully he would've made up his mind by the end of the school week.

After Y/N's riveting last lesson of the day was over, he charged over to the practice rooms to meet up with his assigned bandmates. Yuno on bass, Kanai on drums. Y/N wouldn't call himself super close friends with the two of them (nothing like his friendships with the Literature Club) but he always got along with them pretty well and bantered a bit here and there in lessons, so they figured they were a good match. That and they were by far the best in the class.

Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Monika x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz