Doors - Chapter 12

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Doors are an essential piece of any house. They let you enter, they let you leave. They suggest security, opportunity, secrets, or even a metamorphosis.

Every door tells a story. Every door presents an opportunity. Every door is hiding the secret of what's behind it. The colour of the door, the shape of the door, the placement of the door, the material of the door. It all tells you about the building it leads into.

Y/N's door was simple. Wood, no glass, a deep mature green colour to complement the house and garden around it. Reasonably tall, thinner than the average door. Golden handle and letterbox, and the number 17 on it. Y/N's last name of "L/N" was sewn onto a little piece of fabric which hung and gently swayed next to the door. It was a gift he was given when he was much younger, some random birthday. He wanted to say five or six, but that's a total guess. Then there was the window next to the door, which looked into the lounge/dining area. The curtains were a soft white colour, slightly leaning in a more cream coloured direction, with intricate patterns along them. Y/N much preferred blinds, like how he had in his room, but he sort of liked those curtains. Currently the curtains were drawn, but they were never that good at keeping out light anyway. The house looked cosy and rather elegant on the outside. Maybe that's why the girls enjoyed being in there so much. Having lived in it for a while, it just felt like home to Y/N, yet the Sayori would always go on about how much she liked how his house "felt". As would Yuri, who would complement the atmosphere whenever she could. Guess she just likes atmosphere. She definitely seems like the sort of person that did.

It was good that the girls liked Y/N's house considering they were intending to stay the night there today. The group reached a mutual decision to not leave Y/N alone after his panic attack as it felt wrong to abandon him. This led to Y/N offering for them to stay the night, which some agreed to with more excitement than others. Sayori jumped at the idea, instantly grinning at the prospect and clapping like a five year old. Monika was positively eager, having suggested the idea herself. Y/N imagined it was a mixture of genuine care for his condition and a new and convenient excuse to spend time and flirt with him (not like he was complaining). Yuri was practical as always, asking important questions about food, space, possessions, all of that. Very pragmatic. Luckily, everyone lived within a short-ish walk from Y/N's house, so they had devised a Literature Club Circuit to allow everyone to grab what they needed for the night. Everyone had already cleared it with their parents. Well, almost everyone; Natsuki seemed oddly evasive about the question, torn between wanting to stay and talking about her father. Y/N wasn't an idiot. He could tell from some of the accidental hints that Natsuki dropped that her home life wasn't the happiest. She lived alone with her father, who was not the nicest man. He didn't know how far that sentiment went, but Y/N didn't really want to think like that. Either way, if there was a problem he'd have to answer to him. His house, his rules. They were all adults anyway, Natsuki could do whatever she wanted.

Monika had helped Y/N out of bed, tending slightly to his now deepening black eye that Natsuki accidently gave him. Y/N thought it was funny, yet Natsuki seemed very upset with herself and surprised at Y/N's passiveness. Another unfortunate clue towards her home life. Either way, the look was one he was used to from his old school, being dragged into fights either willingly or not almost daily. Luckily Y/N won most of them, but never left unbruised in some way.

Monika - "Do you have an ice pack? Or plasters even, or... uh... is it too out of the question to ask if you have an eyepatch?"

Y/N chuckled at Mounika's concern. He'd never seen her so worked up like this. 

Y/N - "It's just a bruise. I'm fine Monika, really."

Monika - "Are you absolutely sure?"

Y/N - "Yes. Promise."

It was hard to argue with Y/N cute grin, so Monika didn't bother. She did however fetch a pair of earplugs for him after spying his small collection on the kitchen counter, which Y/N took graciously.

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