Hello - Chapter 2

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"Hiya, I'm Monika! It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us."

Upon walking into the room, Y/N felt the air around him change. The club felt warm. It was difficult to explain, but it was a very warm feeling. It wasn't that warm out, it was around late autumn time, but Y/N felt a comforting fuzzy feeling.

Everyone looked up as he walked in too. Sayori spun around and beamed at Y/N, happy to see he actually came along. Eager as ever, clearly. Yuri looked over her shoulder and smiled softly at Y/N. Although it looked uncertain, almost nervous. Natsuki looked up from her manga, quickly raising her eyebrows at Y/N before stuffing her face back into her book. Was she surprised he actually showed up? Then lastly, there was Monika.

Monika was everything everyone said she was. She was beautiful, she was in good shape clearly from being athletic, she held an air of confidence and intelligence around her that was both intriguing and intimidating. Her eyes were what grabbed Y/N first; a bright, very vibrant emerald colour, shimmering in the afternoon sun. They held a lot within them. Care, respect, maturity. When they shot over to Y/N, he felt his breath leave his lungs, like a soft inaudible gasp. They were piercing. He felt as if every piece of him was being read and intimately analysed, scanned for impurities against Monika's perfection. All from a single look.

Then she spoke. Bright, cheerful, kind. Warm.

Monika - "Hiya, I'm Monika! It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us."

Y/N - "Hello, it's a pleasure. I'm sure I will, I look forward to it."

Monika - "Well that's great to hear! Come on over, sit down and make yourself comfortable."

She beckons Y/N to a nearby desk to her and Sayori, both of whom sit down and lightly continue conversation while occasionally looking over to Y/N. It felt as if they were double checking his confidence. Not in a judgemental way. Well, hopefully not in a judgemental way. Y/N shuffled over, nodding at Yuri as she stood and walked past him.

Yuri - "I'll brew some tea for us."

Monika - "Sounds lovely, thanks Yuri."

Yuri made her way out the classroom after obtaining a kettle from the storage closet. Y/N guessed they had one there for occasions like this, or they just liked tea. Y/N sat down opposite Monika and Sayori, who had pushed a couple desks together to craft an impromptu table. Sayori kicked her legs excitedly as Monika interlocked her hands, elbows on the table and resting her face on her little finger bridge. She smiled sweetly at him.

Monika - "So, what drew you to the club?"

Y/N - "Well, Sayori put a gun to my head and-"

Sayori - "Heyyyy! That didn't happen at all!"

Y/N smirked at Sayori as Monika giggled lightly. Her laugh felt poetic, like deliberately chosen words to soothe the soul.

Y/N - "I write a fair amount in my free time. Short stories, poetry, paragraphs of rambling, whatever I'm feeling really. I have quite the imagination, so it's good to put my thoughts down somewhere."

Monika - "I get that. Sometimes pen and paper is the best release for the mind. It's good you actually like literature though, some people have attempted to join the club before just to hang out with cute girls, ahaha."

Y/N smiled and laughed lightly. He wouldn't pretend he didn't understand why, especially with Monika being in the club, but he wasn't really here for that. Mind, he wouldn't complain particularly, but he was here for a good time and to be creative.

Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Monika x Male ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu