Between - Chapter 14

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Between things is the unknown.

Things are great. Things are fascinating. Things are so acutely themselves that humanity will most like be analysing them for years and years until the final humans are wiped off the face of the Earth, killed in their infinite endeavour to explore, figure out and know.

But what about what's in-between them? What is in-between things?

Well, think of atoms. There is atomic spacing between atoms. Even the smallest of things has something between them. One atom can never truly touch another atom. This then sparks the debate of are we ever really touching anything, which Y/N always found stupid. If you can feel something, you're touching it and science can go fuck itself. He didn't care that technically the atoms of the rain never touched the atoms of his skin. He felt it dripping on him for many years whenever he went to that pebble beach, so he has felt the rain. Science couldn't take that away from him. He felt his clothes against him, the sun against him, the wind against him. There comes a point where fact and logic have to be left behind in order to truly enjoy something. Though he supposed that is a very human thing to do. Is that ignorance? Is it just looking past the sad reality and embracing blissful ignorance? Denial, maybe. Who care. Who actually cares. If we could never touch or feel anything, what's the point in trying to?

What about a larger scale? Distance, the distance between places is so unfathomably large it always blew Y/N's mind. Travelling was no foreign concept to Y/N thanks to his privileged upbringing, but those long aeroplane flights always managed to drag on. By far the worst part of travelling. But then if you stop and take a moment you realise how incredible it all is. You're suspended in the sky within a giant metallic reconstruction of a bird, sailing through the clouds and wind currents higher than any lifeform could sustain, crossing countries, mountains and oceans and covering countless miles of land. Planes are a cool thing. Places are a fascinating thing. To Y/N however, the distance between them was always what he lingered on. How many hours would it take to get from A to B, how many countries would they fly over, would it be longer or shorter on the way back, all of these questions stuck out to him far more than any crass family photo by some unknown beach.

How about on a more intimate scale? Distance between people. Socially everyone has some distance to them. Y/N thought about connecting fully with another person and it seemed maddening. No mystery, no fun, nothing to learn or understand. If you fully know someone, wouldn't they get boring? Is that rude to think? That being said one of Y/N's favourite things to do was to learn and understand people. It's what drove him to crushing on Monika and that had now swelled into such a significant part of his life.

Speaking of...

"Uh... do you mind sharing?"

Monika looked at Y/N very intensely. Not in a harsh or confrontational way. But she was looking at him with a lot of intention. On initial thought Y/N had no idea where to place that intention, but after very minor effort he quickly figured it out. If she did like him, truly, like she had been very strongly hinting at (unless Y/N was an actual idiot) than this would be a dream come true. And to be fair it wasn't like Y/N was in denial; Monika was gorgeous, and sharing a bed with her, even if it were platonically, seemed like an offer one could simply not turn down. You'd actually be an actual idiot if you did.

Monika - "Not at all! I'm happy to if you are - your bed seems large enough to fit the both of us."

It in fact was not. Well, with a bit of a squeeze it could be, but that bed sitting against Y/N's bedroom wall is very clearly a single bed. Y/N often found a hand or leg of his laying off of the bed lazily when waking up. Clearly he didn't have a very good relationship with his bed given his insomnia. Hopefully he wouldn't end up strewn on top of Monika by the morning. Or would that be a good thing?

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