Charity - Chapter 5

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Charity was a word that had been engrained into Y/N's mind. Y/N had been raised to be very generous. It came from his parents - as they were quite good with handling and saving money, they often gave a lot of it away. Y/N was then raised to do the same. He understood he was raised with a fair amount of privilege, and made sure never to let it get to his head and help out whoever he can whenever he could. It was just the right thing to do.

That being said, Y/N hated being pitied. Call it what you want, but being spoken down to and all that really got on his nerves. It wasn't pride, but then Y/N wasn't really sure what to call it. Lack of self-worth? Probably.

So, after Monika promised to start pitying him more often, Y/N wasn't really sure how to react. Getting complimented all the time by a super cute girl was not exactly a bad thing. Quite the opposite to many. And it was very nice of her, and Y/N knew it came from a place of care. Also, knowing Monika, unless he got really upset at it she wouldn't back down easily. So Y/N decided to try and take them, earnestly sometimes and tongue in cheek other times, to please Monika.

What he didn't quite realise was that she'd be dishing them out to him every time they bumped into one another. Walking through corridors to lessons, for example. Just the other day, Y/N was heading to his music lesson in the morning when he passed Monika. He gave her a grin and a nod, and she responded with:

"Good morning Y/N~! Wow, I love what you've done with your hair today! You smell really nice too, what deodorant do you use? I'll have to keep my eye out for it, ahaha!"


"Hiya Y/N~! I heard you did really well on your music exam, congrats! Not surprising considering how great a musician you are; I heard you all the way in my Arithmetic lesson and was blown away!"

or even,

"Afternoon, Y/N~! You look to be happy today - gosh, you really do have a lovely smile. You should smile more often, ahaha~!"

Y/N would respond the same, with a "thank you" or a "you too", but Monika always had this glint in her eye. Like she had ten other motives and meanings behind each word she spoke. Sometimes it was hard to read if a compliment was a compliment, advice or flirting. Well probably not flirting, they'd only known one another for just over a week. And Monika probably had her eyes on some popular guy anyway.

People would stare at the two of them when Monika stopped, talking for however long she wished before dashing off to wherever she was going next. Monika was one of the most well-known faces of the school, and people roughly new at least that Y/N was new, so to anyone that didn't know they were friends they would probably have no idea what to make of it. Now that he had some secure friends, Y/N didn't really care much about how the general school populous saw him. Hopefully, Monika didn't either.

After the morning of a perfectly normal school day had passed by, Y/N double checked his timetable to see what he had for the rest of the day. Science and PE. Both his lessons with Monika. Huh.

After navigating the school halls for a short while, Y/N walked into his science class. It was larger than the usual classroom he had come to know, and instead of desks there were larger round tables adorned with gas taps and sinks. It appeared to still be two people per table, however. Y/N ignored the staring eyes as he walked in, looking around for a free space-

Monika - "Hiya Y/N~! You can sit next to me if you want, this seat is free."

As fate would have it. Y/N smiled at Monika as he made his way over, holding down his smirk as every boy in the class looked at him with clenched teeth and jealousy.

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