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Intel on his sister so soon?

Callisto couldn't stop the hope from growing in him — and the suspicion.

What Rave had said to him continued to swim in his head even when he was eager to hear where his sister was. Part of him wanted to ask Draven about the meeting with Gabriella Koh, but the other, cowardly part of him didn't want to say anything that would ruin his chances on seeing Luna again.

Draven stood up, placing the cloth on the desk. He eyed Callisto and from the height difference alone, the subtle power held in the his stance was enough to send phantom chills down Callisto's spine. "Well? Interested?" Draven said, stepping back and taking the rounded cloth with him, walking out of the room for a brief moment.

Of course he was interested.

Still, there was a clear bargain present between them — his research notes in exchange for that valuable information.

Research notes that he had forgotten to bring even though he should've remembered.

"Where is she?" Callisto tried anyway, keeping his voice a bit louder than necessary in case Draven was further from him than anticipated. "Tell me where Luna is and I'll get you the research notes now."

"So quick to sell your company out, huh?" Draven said, appearing past the entrance again, devoid of the cloth. He didn't make any move to step into the room. Instead, he had his hands shoved in his pant pockets and stood there, lips curled upwards into a brief smile. "What a traitor."

"This isn't funny," Callisto said, irritation flaring in him at look on Draven's face.

The smile didn't drop, but it didn't widen either. Instead, the other man simply gave him a one-shoulder shrug. "The point still stands. Intel came in quick about her and hence I called you here. You were supposed to bring me the notes. Not get injured and empty-handed."

This wasn't what he wanted to hear. "Draven," Callisto said, his voice sharp. He pushed himself out from the chair, making sure he didn't put his weight on his injured leg. He was sure he looked more awkward than intimidating but he needed to make a statement, as much as he could. "If you want, you can even follow me to the company right now. Just tell me what happened to Luna."

Draven stared right at him and if he chose to believe it, maybe even through him and into the depths of his soul. This man here always had the most intense way of looking at people. It never failed to make him feel warmer, as if he was being read like an open book with nowhere to hide. Maybe there had been a time he had loved that, but... it certainly wasn't now.

"We made a deal," Draven said, standing up straighter and taking a step into the room. "You honour your side of the deal, and I'll honour mine."

Luna was out there, somewhere, waiting for him to rescue here and yet here he was, stuck here playing some weird mind games with this asshole before him. Callisto's anger and frustration at the situation, at the thought that he was finally getting somewhere with finding her and being forcibly stopped, had him frowning.

"Like I said, I'll go and get the research notes now," Callisto said, making a move to do just that. The second he tried, though, his right knee almost buckled from the accidental weight distribution onto it, causing him to stumble back a little. Placing both hands on the desk, he cursed under his breath at the way his heart raced in his chest at the shot of pain. "Just..."

Silence washed into the scene for a little bit before Draven sighed. "Bring it next time. I can't wait for you to leave and get it for me."

"But Luna—"

"Intel for notes, nothing else, Cal."

The words were merciless. Nothing about them resembled any shred of kindness for Callisto to hold onto. Instead, he was given an ultimatum. The unfairness of the situation rang loudly like a siren, reminding him starkly of his powerlessness. And... it was irritating beyond belief that he was pushed into a trap — forced to dance to the tune of this devil.

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