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It was indeed Draven.

His strong grip was still on Callisto's arms, not making a move to take away his fingers from his body. But that gave him enough strength to remain staring at the other man, mind reeling at the off chance he had met Draven outside of their... usual setting. And really — what was their usual setting anyway?

But still, he was the last person he had expected to see in this quaint bar that he liked.

"Cal," Draven said, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes searched his face.

The name served as a good reminder that he was at the hallway leading to the nearest bathroom and basically being held upright by those warm hands so he wouldn't fall and twist his ankles into a pretzel. Cheeks warming a tad, Callisto pressed a hand on the other man's chest and pushed him away, letting himself to stumble a step back before he righted himself up.

"What are you doing here?" Callisto said, glancing over his shoulders to see if his friends had noticed him. While their table wasn't very close to the hallway, it was better if he was cautious. Slight nervousness bubbled in him at the thought of them finding out about Draven being here. A little put out that what he considered to be his personal haven had been disturbed by this man, he levelled a narrowed gaze at him. "Seriously, why here?"

Draven's eyebrows shot upwards before they furrowed again. "I didn't realise me being somewhere is a crime against humanity."

The sarcasm was thick enough that even a clueless idiot would catch the hint. Callisto frowned in response before a sigh escaped his lips. Shaking his head, he glanced over his shoulders again before eyeing the other man. "Never mind, just leave me alone."

Before he could walk away, Draven stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Unfortunately for you, it's a good thing we met. I can tell you about heading into Dark Alley."

Was he serious? "Right now?"

"Why? Am I disturbing you or something?" Draven tilted his head a little to one side, but if Callisto had been a lesser fool, he would've thought it was a genuine question. "Aren't you here alone?"

"No... I'm with company. Friends. Not the right time, Draven."

As if that would deter him. "I thought you had no friends besides that android."

And there it was, that jab. Rolling his eyes, Callisto said, "I do have friends."

Draven raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Oh really now?"

"Yeah, and they're not you," Callisto hissed, his narrowed gaze sharpening.

That response elicited the other man to raise both of his hands in the air, palms facing outward. "My bad. Didn't think I rubbed you the wrong way." Before Callisto could retort, Draven said, "Then why not introduce me to them? I'm curious to see what these... friends are like."

"No." There was absolutely no way he was going to allow Draven to infiltrate his social group.

While there weren't many in his life he could call a friend, excluding Rave, Rye was the only one who wasn't involved in anything dangerous — such as meeting a man likely running an underground gang. Just reciting that in his head made him almost wince. To think he had crossed the line of wanting a normal life to this mess of a territory all because of Luna.

"Why not? Unless... they're not real?" Draven quirked the corner of his lips up into a smile that most definitely did not reach his eyes.

"Because they're none of your business."

"Right, so I suppose talking about Dark Alley isn't any of your business either?"

Callisto closed his mouth shut, levelling a glare at him. That was low of him to use that against him. Draven's lips curled up higher, as if he was personally finding this amusing. And knowing him, however little, it was highly likely that that was the case. Even more reasons why he didn't want Draven anywhere near Rye.

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