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Callisto tried to keep his facial expression as calm as possible. Surely he hadn't been found out so soon? So much for trying to smoothly get Alia to talk about her experiments... He tried to keep his beating heart from popping out of his chest when she kept her eyes staring right at him. A few seconds of silence ticked by and nobody made a move to break the silence.

He almost gave in and looked away, to get away from the unnerving way she was looking at him when she sighed, shaking her head. "As if you'd have the guts to do something so shady," she said, immediately causing him to release the tension in his shoulders.

"Right, I can't lie to save my life," Callisto said, hoping his voice didn't sound as pitchy as it heard to him.

"Right..." Alia leaned into her seat. "So, anyway, that is my answer. You should go for it. It is a great team to be on considering the Fournier brothers are on it."

Callisto didn't really know what to say to that. He knew that it would be a good opportunity to get back into a team that would allow him to continue his experiment. Still, Angelo's voice rushed in his head when he looked at Alia. Could it be possible that Alia was indeed involved in things she shouldn't be?

But how could she?

She was the most by the book person he had ever known.

"Even if the company doesn't want me anywhere near the experiment?" Callisto said, earning a soft hum from her.

"We only live once." Alia stood up then, gathering a few things on her desk. "You have my answer. Whatever you want to do after that, that's up to you." She then stood straighter, her tablet and a few books in her hands. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with Susan."

Callisto held back from wincing at that name. Being on that team was one thing, being forced to bear their stares and whispers was another. Pressing his palms on his thighs, he stood up, knowing that was his cue to leave. He still didn't know how to approach her about her experiment, but perhaps this was more of a long game than a quick discussion. He glanced around her room for a brief moment, waiting for her to walk past him to the door.

There was nothing out of ordinary here so he couldn't report anything to Angelo now even if he wanted to.

Once he was standing at the hallway with her back facing him to lock the door, Callisto went through the conversation that they had. Alia was kinder for once — and the way she viewed him was different to how he thought he had been acting.

When she turned around at last, she tossed a smile at him. Her lips were stretched a little upwards and it made her look less of a stern boss and more of a friendly coworker. His heart tightened in his chest as a wave of confusion overtook him.

She was nice.

And the demon-like images he had of her melted away in the background.

"I'll see you around, Callisto," Alia said before she walked away, leaving him behind standing there.

It was surreal that they had held a conversation without it leading to a screaming match. Small tendrils of guilt surfaced in him.

Angelo might have wanted him to essentially spy on her and get information about her experiment out of her — but if this glimpse to her real self was indeed her real safe, was it alright to do that to her?

Rubbing a hand over his mouth, he dropped his gaze to the floor.

Just as he was about to let himself drown in his guilt, his phone chimed from his lab coat pockets. Shoving his hand into it, he pulled out his phone. It was Rave. He sent a message, a short one with a 'Can we meet up at this deli?'.

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