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Callisto really didn't have an answer to Rye's questions. His own head was reeling from what was happening. As soon as he could finally comprehend a few words together to speak, his own phone chimed with a message at the same time as his friend's. Handing the phone back to Rye, he looked at his own device, noting that he was added to a group chat. And there was a message there letting him know that they were about to have a meeting with the Fourniers in two hours.

"Meeting already?" Rye said, his voice slightly pitchy.

Callisto glanced him from the screen, taking in the furrowed eyebrows and a frown etched on his friend's lips. "It seems so," he said, trailing the end of his sentence off to a silence.

Gripping his phone tighter, Angelo's flashed in his mind. Right... he still had to tell him about the things he found out about Alia. Draven was helpful in that regard. Alia wouldn't be spilling anything about herself to Callisto anytime soon, that was for sure. If it hadn't been for him, Callisto wouldn't have anything to give to Angelo.

Not that he wanted to help him but...

After witnessing how unhinged he could get, the last thing Callisto wanted was to cross him. A shiver ran down his spine at the very thought of it.

"I really don't want to go," Rye said, a whine in his voice. Snapping out of his thoughts, Callisto pocketed his phone and turned his attention to his friend. "I can't believe I'm in this position."

For a brief moment, guilt surged through him at his friend's bad luck. Perhaps it was his fault that Rye got dragged into this. He wasn't sure how or why, but it couldn't be a coincidence that the only other person Callisto was close to was now in this mess with him.

"It'll be fine," Callisto said, though his words likely rang hollow. "I mean..."

Rye eyed him. "I don't think this is the right time to be optimistic, Callisto."

"No, I suppose not," he said, a sigh threatening to leave his lips. After a second of consideration, he added, "Let's get out of here. We'll get coffee."

Rye groaned under his breath and shoved his phone into his own jacket pockets. "I think I need something stronger than coffee."

For once, Callisto agreed.

The duo walked out of the company, the sun shining bright on them despite Callisto's mood not reflecting its warmth. He huffed a breath as he shoved his hands into his own pockets, following Rye down the stairs to the pavement leading to shop lots of the city. Past a corner right next to the bookstore, there would be a cafe that had recently opened. He hadn't been there before, but perhaps now was the right time to go there and get away from their workplace.

Rye followed after him, matching his stride as they both navigated the crowds trying to get into various other tall buildings. People were busy trying to get to work and here they were, trying to escape from it.

If Callisto could laugh, he would.

"I need to figure out a way to get out of this," Rye said, startling Callisto from his thoughts. He glanced at his friend as they continued walking, making sure to avoid bumping into anyone at the same time.

"Well..." Callisto couldn't really say he agreed. The email was explicit about their position about what Rye should do. "How are you going to do that?"

"I don't know." Rye frowned. "I... might need to do something I don't want to."

That sent alarm bells ringing through Callisto's head. He paused walking then, turning his body slightly to look at his friend. The silence he emitted should be an indication he wanted answers and judging by how Rye tilted his head up to sigh loudly, Callisto was sure he got the message.

His friend turned to meet his eyes, shoulders slumped as if he was about to confess something bad.

With bated breath, Callisto said, "And that is?"

"Talk to them," Rye said, teeth gritting.

"Talk to who?"

"Talk to..." There was a momentary pause before Rye ducked his head and said quickly, "Talk to Jean."

Callisto took a moment to comprehend what was said before confusion flooded through him. Talk to Jean? "The Fournier?"

"Yes." Rye shifted his body so he stood straighter but he still didn't meet Callisto's eyes. He kept his gaze aimed at the ground. "Maybe just seeing my face would be enough for him to kick me out of the team, but if that fails..."

Beyond confused now and entering a complicated territory of emotions, Callisto took a step toward his friend and placed an arm on his shoulder. "What does that even mean?"

His friend leaned into his touch a little before he took a step back, fully separating them and giving them space. Callisto's hand hovered in the air for a moment before he brought it back into his jacket pockets. Searching Rye's face, he forced himself to take in some air, nervousness bubbling at the pit of his stomach.

"I, unfortunately, know him." Rye's words were rushed and barely understandable. Yet, Callisto still managed to get the gist of it, sending his mind reeling with the information. "Unfortunately. I told myself I won't ever speak to him again and it's been going great... until now that is."

Callisto pulled his hand out of his pockets again to stop him from continuing, darting everywhere around them in case there were eavesdroppers. "Rye, maybe we shouldn't talk about it here."

Rye searched his face before he shrugged. "I don't care who listens to this. It isn't a surprise to Jean anyway that I hate him and his family."

The venom in his words had Callisto blinking in surprise. This was the first time he had seen his friend using such a tone. There hadn't been a moment in their friendship where he had seen Rye speaking in such malice. He was briefly reminded of himself with Draven — and that was enough for curiosity to pique in him.

"You know him," Callisto said in the end.

Rye met his eyes then. "Unfortunately, I know him. Too well."

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