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Angelo eyed them both, his face now blank of emotions unlike the unsettling smile he had a few moments ago. The information he had shared was... huge. For some reason, Luna knew the man with neon green eyes. Honestly, it wasn't that surprising.

When he had almost been killed by the very same person, he caught the impression that he knew Luna.

Callisto just wasn't sure why or how.

Why would Luna be with him?

What did they both share?

"Well, there you have it," Angelo said, shrugging. "Now, as for my payment."

"Hold on," Draven said, stopping him. "Where did they go next? Which way?"

A few seconds of silence ticked before Angelo clicked his tongue, the sound loud in the space between them. "That's one more information, Draven. Gonna cost ya."

"You just got a big payment," Draven said, his voice tense.

"What can I say? Business is business." Angelo leaned against the shelves again, the hand with the device now back on his lips.

Callisto didn't like him. This entire situation was already terrifying and this man here was not relenting in information regarding his sister. The ticket, key, whatever it was was still on the ground somewhere. Safety net? Yeah, he didn't think Angelo actually cared about that.

Draven sighed under his breath before he pulled his coat's sleeve a little. A watch was on his wrist. After a glance at it, he met Callisto's gaze and frowned. "We're not going to make it," he said.

Callisto's eyes widened at the words. "What?"

"We're out of time—" Draven didn't get to finish his words when there was a bang coming from the door. Startled, Callisto grabbed the other man's sleeve, allowing himself to be pushed right behind Draven to be shielded.

Angelo laughed from behind them. "Well, I guess I'll take this as payment."

"You," Draven said, turning to look at him. "You planned this."

Callisto noted the way those colourful eyes gleamed brighter than before. Another smile curled on those pale lips. "I told you. I'm going to have to see him someday."

The door swung open and came walking in Erik. He had looked as how he had been when Callisto had seen him in the car. Only... he had something extra on his person. In his hands was a gun. The man pushed his glasses up his nose like he wasn't wielding a weapon in his grip, shoulders relaxed and body posture not showing any signs of distress.

"Erik..." Draven said, exasperation clear in his voice. "Not a minute over, huh?"

"Backup will be here in five minutes if I don't contact them we're fine," Erik said, almost as if he was ignoring Draven. His eyes kept on the person he was working for before his gaze landed on Callisto. "Sir," he said with a nod at him.

Callisto blinked, taken aback at being addressed as... sir? Not knowing how to reply to that, he could only look at Draven's side profile next. His eyebrows were furrowed and a frown was on his lips. He opened his mouth to ask what was going to happen when Draven said, "Tell them we're fine."

Erik frowned. His eyes that had a certain golden tint to them only seemed to dart from them to Angelo who was still behind them. Chancing a look at the silver-haired man, Callisto's throat tightened at the unwavering gaze he had on Erik. It was as if he had his prey right where he wanted. Alarm bells rang through his head and he tightened his grip on Draven's sleeve.

"Are you sure?" Erik said, looking back at Draven.

"Yes." Draven ran a hand through his hair. "You may leave, Erik."

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