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"Might as well get a drink before we head home," Rye said as they both walked out of the company building.

Exhaustion of the revelation today weighed on Callisto's shoulders, almost making him want to slip onto the ground and just lay there for a good five minutes to stare up at nothing. But the next best thing was to get some alcohol into his system. Maybe he would indulge a bit more today.

"Sounds good. Head to Lynx's Cabin?" Callisto jabbed a thumb to their left where the bar was.

Lynx's Cabin wasn't the fanciest place in the city. Located past a quiet road full of antique shops, it was right across an adult store, hidden from plain sight for those who wanted a night company without anyone finding out. It was just by coincidence when Callisto found this place, having gotten lost with Luna when they had first came to the city but it quickly became a favourite bar for him.

Usually, there weren't many customers here but those that did come by often kept themselves away from other people, preferring to sit at the bar if they wanted quiet or one of the round tables with their partners if they wanted to talk. The unsaid rule made some of his nights perfect when he wanted to nurse a drink without anyone talking to him.

With yellow lighting amongst the dim white light to create a calm atmosphere, Callisto sighed under his breath when he walked into the place with Rye next to him. As expected, especially on a working week, there weren't many people here. There was only a man at the bar and a couple at a table at the other side of the room. The only other sound besides the soft murmuring of the duo was the clinking of glasses.

"Haven't been here in a while," Rye said from next to him as they moved to a table. "I'll get us drinks."

"Get me something light to start the night," Callisto said, taking a seat.

With a nod, his friend left him at the table alone. For a few seconds, he let the sounds of his surroundings to sink his body further into the chair. Life had been tough and while he knew that alcohol wasn't the best company, it was the only company he wanted at the moment. Placing his hands on the cool wooden table, he was about to let his head drop on the surface when his eyes caught someone who just walked through the door.


Sitting straighter, he held his breath when his android friend scanned the room.

What was Rave doing here?

Red eyes met his from across the room immediately, as if the other man had been looking specifically for him. But... that couldn't be it. He hadn't talked to Rave since that day at the diner and he wasn't really in the mood to talk to him either. There had been too many things on his plate, the last thing he wanted was to meet with the reminder that his life was unfair.

A wave of guilt washed over him at that thought.

Rave was still his friend but something between them had definitely changed since that day when he had asked his help for Luna's disappearance.

For a minute, they held onto each other's gaze before Rave looked away. Then, he closed the distance between them until he was standing right before Callisto, hands in his black hoodie pockets. In this dim lighting, the light blue serial number on his cheek seemed to glow brighter than it had ever been.

"Hey," Rave said.

"Hey." Callisto threw a small hand wave at him. "You come to bars?"

"Ah..." Rave shifted his gaze to the waiters at the bar and then around the place. When those red eyes met his again, his lips were turned upwards. "Once in a while. Not like alcohol does anything to me, but the burn's nice."

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