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Angelo being here in this small space was unsettling. That grin on his face was especially unsettling. Callisto stared at him, shoulders rigid and back straight. What did this man even want from him? As far as he was concerned, he was nobody important. Draven should be here to deal with this — not him.

And yet, with how the colourful eyes sparkled, the uneasiness in him could only increase and heighten, sending warning bells in his head.

Whatever it was that Angelo wanted, Callisto might be involved.

"What do you want?" Callisto said, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible.

His false bravado probably wouldn't work. And... it didn't. Not when Angelo took a step toward him with the same amused expression on his face. His posture was confident, not even the least bit intimidated like how Callisto felt.

"Hm," Angelo said, searching his face. "Something."

And what could that be?

Slight panic wormed in him. Nothing really stood out to Callisto on what might be valuable to Angelo. Everything that could be offered — wouldn't it be more of Draven's domain? Reigning in the urge to take another step back and flee down the stairs just next to him, he took in a shuddering deep breath.

Everyone else wanted only one kind of thing from him — the notes.

But unless he could get the missing page, there was nothing valuable on him.

"I don't..." Callisto licked his lips when the words failed.

"Right." Angelo shoved his hands in his pant pockets, taking another step to him in a long stride. The distance lessening between them was not good. "I'm just here to gather some information on someone. Based on my... intel, you might be the right person for the job."


From... who?

Callisto furrowed his eyebrows. "About who?"

Wisely, he didn't make a comment on the intel part. There were many things about Angelo he refused to engage with and his connections were one of them. Him holding a gun at Draven had given him enough indication that this man was not to be played with.

Not that Callisto would want to.

In fact, escape was starting to sound better and better right now.

If he ran, would Angelo hunt him down?

A shiver ran down his spine at that thought.

"Someone I'm hoping you know," Angelo said, the smile on his face finally dying to reveal thinly pressed lips together. "Alia Roslyn."

Callisto's eyes widened. What had Angelo wanted to know about Alia? He opened his mouth before he closed it, his heart thumping loudly in his chest when Angelo's eyes bored into his without even blinking.

Like a predator waiting on its prey to make a move.

"I... know of an Alia," he said, cautiously. "What do you need from her?"

Angelo tilted his head to the left a little before he huffed out a small laugh. Callisto grew rigid at that. Every movement this man did left him feeling like he was teetering on a thin line. Unhinged, perhaps was the right word. Yes... unhinged and someone who he should be turning to the left and run from.

Should he call Draven and let him know that Angelo had been here?

He didn't know.

Even if Draven knew, what could he do?

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