Stupid Cow

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My family leaves after 4pm, Pheko and I walk them out. Babe promises to call me later after reminding me that I can go home with them. A bitter sweet moment. “Doing this to be safe, it will be over soon.” I chant in my head as I give Babe one last hug before they drive off.
Pheko shows me his bachelor pad, a meter away from the main house. It has an ensuit, a kitchen and dinning area. Gomo and Fefe follow us, Pheko says he will be outside if I need anything and I nod my head. Kefentse asks that I plait her. We sit behind Pheko’s house. “Rego, Regomoditswe?” Someone calls out as I am halfway through plaiting Kefentse. It's Pheko’s aunt. She is holding her phone out. “Hello.”
“You had me worried, are you okay? Where is your phone nana?” Babe.
“Babe, breathe. I left it inside the house, I am doing hair.”
“I should have known. You were not a hundred when I left, I called to remind you that you can always come home, the house is open for you and I am available to come pick you up anytime.” Babe.
“I know Babe, I love you too. I will call you as soon as I’m done here.” I clear my throat, Pheko’s aunt is giving me goggle eyes. We hang up and I give  her the phone back.
She walks back to the house and I plait Fefe. The kids run off when I am done and I take a walk further in the yard. There are fruit trees, the peaches are blooming. I sit underneath the tree, the shade is cool. “Only a few months then I will go back to my life.” I remind myself as I walk back to the house. To help prepare supper but I find Pheko’s mother and aunt already cooking. His mother tells me to relax and watch a movie as they will be done shortly. I nod and sit in the dinning room. I’m lost in my thoughts when I hear commotion. “Ntsumi and I don’t eat beef, I told you. Khumo what are you doing here? Mane?”
“Pheko, calm down. You know when there’s events, the neighbours help out. Khumo’s mother sent her.” His aunt.
“Khumo, go home, Ntsumi let’s go.” Pheko sternly says standing next to me. “What about supper?” The girl asks.
“MmaMoreetsi, please make sure the trash is out when I return with my wife.” Pheko clicks his tongue. I am still sitting, now I’m his wife? Haibo this man is using me to fight his girl and aunt. He holds his hand out for me and I ignore him. “Ntsumi, come.” Pheko.
“Pheko, leave her alone. Go outside.” His mother shouts, he looks at me with pleading eyes and I get up. We walk outside in a fast pace to the car, he opens my door and slams it shut when I’m safely in. He starts the car and drives off. I feel like a sack potatoes with each turn he takes. We stop at the mall.
“I’m sorry about my tantrum.” Pheko, his voice is strained and the veins on his forehead are visible. I nod my head and look outside the window.
“Khumo and I used to date, my aunt and her mother are friends. Our experimental sex led to her being pregnant. I thought we were both virgins and believed it was mine. I wanted to tell my parents but she refused saying hers would disown her.
I took my savings. And stole my father’s car to take her to terminate. She stayed over at my house, I was there, through the bleeding and her pains. I stayed with the guilt for months only for her boyfriend to attack me with his friends, saying I killed his child. A child I mourned for, my aunt knew and didn’t tell me.I’m upset the nerve for them to cook that stupid old cow, after I told them that you are allergic.” I burst into laughter, his face was all serious until the beef. I shake my head.
“Not stupid , what did the cow do?” I ask laughing.
“I poured my heart out to you and all you heard was stupid cow? What kind of wife are you?” Pheko smiles.
“The not real one. Are you calm now?”
“What do you mean not real? Ma’am my cows are grazing in your house.” Pheko.
“You said it.”
“You know, we are married properly, I don’t even remember saying that.” Pheko.
“You did, but you are right. We shouldn’t get confused, in a few months we will have our lives.”
“Oh, now this makes sense, explains why you were sad earlier. You love me, you want to kiss me.” Pheko sings.
“No, ewe. You nut.” He laughs.
“I must get us something to eat that is not beef.” Pheko. 
“So all this drama was because of beef and not the aunt? Since when do you not eat beef?”
“Yes beef will kill us, we are married and became one.” Pheko, I laugh.
“Before we eat, can we see other people?”
“That would be considered cheating. Ughm, if you want you can, just keep it away from me.” I can’t read his face.
“Alright, let’s go eat.”
Pheko drives us to his house at 9pm. I take a bath then sit on the couch. Pheko opens his mouth but quickly closes it when he sees me with a pillow laying down.
I wake up on the bed. Pheko is too close and there’s a foot on my stomach. I try getting up but Pheko pulls me to him. “I need to wake up before your family does.”
“No, we will wake up in 2 hours and go visit my friends.” Pheko.
“Shhh, if we didn’t have an invader, I’d put you to sleep.” Pheko says pulling me to his chest. His words cause a waterfall in my pants. Pheko needs to stay away from me shem.Temptation is a sin. I shut my eyes to avoid him, I fall asleep in my thoughts.
“Don’t make noise, you will wake her up.” Pheko whispers. *giggle* I open my eyes and I’m alone in bed, Pheko and Gomo are standing next to the bed with a cup of tea.
“Good morning.” I greet them with a smile.
“You ruined the surprise.” Gomo.
“I’m sorry, next time I will sleep.” He smiles and greets saying he is going to the house. I am left with Pheko who types something on his phone then he throws it on the bed.
“Please get ready we are living in 30 minutes.” Pheko says as he moves to the door. I finish my tea and take a shower. I get dressed in Xitsonga inspired maxi yellow high waist skirt and blue long sleeve t-shirt which I tuck in with blue sneakers. I tie my yellow doek. I walk out to find Pheko and to greet his mother.

Ntsumi ka MoreetsiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя