Tradition Or Rules

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Arriving home, I change my shoes and go to the bathroom to freshen up. The bleeding is normal, I wear a flowy dress and slippers.
“How much bleeding was there?” Pheko asks, I scream startled.
“Don’t scare me like that.”
“Stop living in your head. I called out your name when I got in here.” Pheko.
“I didn’t hear you. It’s like a normal period now. The boys are coming, I’m going to make us burgers, do you want to eat anything else?”
“Burgers are fine, how are you feeling?” Pheko.
“Can we talk later?” he nods and changes his shirt. I leave him in the bedroom, his mother and Bhuti are drinking tea.
“Should I make you tea Rego?” Mama.
“No thanks.”I am going to prepare supper then go home for a few hours. Do you need anything?”
“No, Morris and I are leaving soon.” She answers.
I prepare the beef and chicken mince, and the sauce. I greet them, Pheko promises that he is good. I drive home playing gospel music that I sing along to. Babe is in the garden, I park and go to him.
“My angel, how are you?”Babe.
“Oh Babe, I missed you so much. I cry in his embrace.”
“Why are you crying? Did something happen?”Babe.
“I had a miscarriage, I didn’t know I was pregnant.” I hiccup.
“Nana, I am sorry. Come let’s go inside you dad will make you hot chocolate, it heals everything.” Babe holds my hand, we find Aunty making tea.
“Sesi, how are you?” she greets me with a hug.
“I lost my pregnancy, I am fine Aunty. How is the little boy?” she gasps holding her mouth, Babe walks around the kitchen searching. I ask Aunty with my eyes.
“He does this sometimes.” Aunty.
“Babe, have a seat. The tea will be ready now.” He sits on the counter chair,  I make us tea with biscuits.
Being here at home is comforting. Miso comes in and he is surprised to see me. “Hey Bhuti, where is my baby?”
“He is sleeping, come and see him.” Miso takes my hand.
“I can’t, I need to be cleansed first.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I will call Okuhle to come see you. ” Miso. He jogs to the bedrooms.
She gives me Lennon drops to apply on my hands and under feet. She says it helps clear spirits. I don’t know but I follow and then give her a tight hug. “Thank you for all the baby supplies. I am sorry for your loss.”Okuhle.
“Anything for my boy, how are you feeling?”
“I am tired, he sleeps at night but his up at 3am every morning.” She shows me videos of the baby cooing.
“He is a beautiful boy.”
“He looks like you. Make agrees.” Okuhle.
“I will come and spend the day with him once we are back from the Moreetsi house.”
“Please do, let me go bath.” Okuhle. She walks out, Babe is washing our cups. I watch him wash and rinse the cups, then he puts them back in the sink to re wash them. 15 minutes later Miso brings the baby to me. I carry him in my arms
“Babe, I am going to Zeerust on Friday.”
“Zeerust, that is far. Ntsumi is married there.” Babe.
“Yes, her husband is from there, his a good young man.” Babe.
“I must meet them some day. I have to leave, I will come see you on Sunday.”
He greets me and walks me out with Miso. I take a deep breath before starting the car. I drive to the store for buns and snacks. Minne is parked on my spot, I park on the neighbours side. I take out the bags and knock on the door before opening it.
“Hey Family.” Gomo runs to me and he gives me a hug, then he kisses my cheek, his arms not leaving my neck. I pick him up and take a seat with him.
“Hey my Gomo love, how are you? Why are you crying my nana?” he shakes his head and hides in my neck. I rub his back.
“He has been asking to come see you.” Minne explains.
“Ok, how are you guys? I am making burgers. Should I bring you juice or wine?”
“Wine please, I’m mourning.” She sadly smiles.
“I’m sorry. Gomo and I will be back just now, I’ll be back with your glass.” I stand up and give her a side hug.
“S’thandwa, why are you sad?” I ask sitting on the bed. I am rubbing his head.
“Mom said my baby sister went to heaven.” Gomo hides his face again.
“Oh, is that why you are crying?”
“I am sorry, but she was sick and had to go back to God to heal okay, when she is well God will send her to us again and you will be a good big brother and share your toys okay.”
He nods his head, I ask him to sit on the bed and I go into the bathroom. I let out a sigh, and change my pad then wash my face. Gomo is taking pictures with my phone on the bed, I ask him for a selfie. We make goofy faces and laugh. We get out to start on supper, Minne opens the bottle of wine and pours for us. Pheko and the boys watch animation.
“I am sorry about your loss, I also feel sad. This would have been our baby together, if you ever need someone to talk to, I am here. I love you especially for loving my son’s as your.” She hugs me.
“Thank you, I know you would have loved the baby, as the baby sitter in call. You had no choice.” I tease and laugh through my tears.
“We are going to be okay.”
Dinner is nice, the boys sleepover. Pheko and I are up because he is in pain, I give him his meds and we cuddle in bed until the early hours of the morning where we sleep. Gomo wakes us up at 8am.

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