I Didn't Know

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“Mrs Moreetsi, I’m doctor Miller. Your husband’s pulmonologist, as you know the blast.” I interpret him.
“Doctor Miller, where is my husband?”
“He is at the radiology department, we want to confirm the images we saw on the xrays, with the mri scan. As I was saying we saw some damage on his lung which my show signs of an acute respiratory distress syndrome, it is a life-threatening lung injury that allows fluid to leak into the lungs. Breathing becomes difficult and..”
“Sir, I’d like to see my husband.”
“They will be back shortly.” He explains what is wrong with Pheko and I can’t hear anything. I have sharp pains in my abdomen. I lean on the wall and take a deep breath.
“Are you okay Mrs Moreetsi?” the nurse who walked with me asks holding my hand.
“Yes, may I get some water.” The doctor gives me a cup of water from the water dispenser, I take slow sips and stand up, the pain is fading slowly. I see Pheko being wheeled to the room in front of us, he has an oxygen mask on.
“Why does he need the oxygen?” I ask the doctor who is reading a report from the porter.
“He was having difficulty breathing, the oxygen is to assist him until we find him help.” The doctor says.
“You can come see him.” The nurse at the door says. I was focused on the doctor who has a frown on his face as he reads. I nod my head to the nurse and follow her in, I totally forgot to call the Moreetsi’s.
I stand at the door after the nurse leaves and take out my phone to call Bhuti. He picks up after a few rings. “Mosadi wa mfanaka.”
“Bhuti, may you please come to the hospital.”
“We are in the parking. Is there anything wrong?” He asks panicking.
“Come up, I will explain when you get here.”  He hangs up, Pheko and I stare at each other. I call Miso to inform him that I will be late. Bhuti calls me as I put my phone away.
“Rego, where are you?” I direct him and hang up.
“Why are you standing there?” Pheko asks in laboured breathes.
“I will leave just now.”
“I didn’t say leave, come closer please.” He puts back the mask.
“Stop removing that thing. Look I don’t want to impose, I was called by your doctor..” Bhuti and his mom open the door and greet me.
“You look so pale, are you okay Rego? Do you eat?” mama asks.
“I am okay, I only need to rest. Okuhle had a baby in the early hours of this morning.”
“Oh, we thank God for the mercy and gift.” Mama chants.
“Anyway, the doctor says Pheko is showing signs of lung damage from the smoke inhalation.” I explain.
“Will he be okay?” Bhuti.
“I hope so. The doctor said they will try some medication and other therapy. The UN representative also wants to come see your guys with him Friday afternoon, I gave the nurse your numbers to confirm.”
“ist because I am burnt with no lungs that you are distancing yourself?” Pheko.
“Pheko, what did I say about that mask?” I groan as a sharp pain shoots on my back leaving a burning feeling.
“Are you okay? Nurse” mama calls.
“I am fine, probably that time of the month. As I was saying, ugm.”
“Sit down.” Mama pushes me down, the doctor comes in with the nurse.
“You are sweating Mrs Moreetsi, where are you feeling your pain?” The doctor asks.
“I’ll be fine, please explain to mama what you saw on the scans. I will be back.” I feel a heavyweight on my underwear when I get up from the chair, I look down and my pants are red.
“Are you pregnant?” The doctor asks.
“No, it’s my monthly. I need to leave. Doctor you will explain to the.. Mmm.”
“Sister get me a wheelchair, we need to check her out.”I am pushed out, the burning pain in my back intensifies.
“Mrs Moreetsi, when was your last period?”
“I think last month.” I groan.
“Are you allergic to anything?”
“Beef, can I get pain medication?”
“How bad are your pains?”
“It feels worse than period pains, my insides feel like I am being cut.” I feel light headed, the lights give me a headache, I think I’m going to vomit. Someone gives me a bowl to vomit it, but my head hurts so much I can’t even sit up. I close my eyes, hoping for the pain to go away.
“I am going to give you medication in the drip while we wait for your blood work.” The doctor says, there’s more voices of people talking, my arm hurts but now as bad as my abdomen and back. The voices of the people seem to be fading or they are walking out. I only see the monitor next to me. I close my eyes. My tired from last night all comes.
“Mrs Moreetsi, Regomoditswe don’t close your eyes.” Someone calls me. The sleep is stronger.
“Regomoditswe, what are you feeling now?” another asks.  I can’t seem to answer, my chest hurts, my body hurts all over.
“Regomoditswe, stop pulling, you will hurt yourself.”
“We are losing…” I keep fighting the person blocking my airway. Everything sounds still and my eyes close. I wake up alone in the hospital room. I look around, the sun is out. I have a drip on my left hand. I am in a hospital gown. The pain is gone, the door opens and a nurse walks in and greets me.
“Good morning Mrs Moreetsi. I am sister Mphosi.”
“Hey, when can I go home?”
“Oh, you gave us such a scare last night. I will call the doctor for you.” I nod. She comes back with two doctors.
“Mrs Moreetsi, good morning. How are you feeling today?”
“I am fine, the pain is gone.”
“Im glad the pain is gone, my condolences on your loss.” The lady says.
“What loss?” I frown.  The both look down.
“You didn’t know? You were 6 weeks pregnant, unfortunately the pains yesterday was you losing your baby.” My heart drops. Pheko will really hate me now.

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