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The nurses are preparing Pheko for theatre when we arrive, they give us 5minutes with him before he is wheeled out. He is wide awake, his speech was not perfect but. He said he loves me. Bhuti went back home to take the kids to school. Khensi sent me a list of books to read on my reading app. An hour passes and he is not back, I silently pray and try reading again. “Mrs Moreetsi.” I smile looking up, embarrassed because I forgot the lady’s name. Her husband was with Pheko. I get up for a hug and ask how she is doing. I wish I didn’t ask because she breaks down and cries.
“I am so sorry.”
“It is okay. He died doing what he loves.” She wipes her tears, I can’t keep mine at bay.
“Samantha, they are here.” An elder lady speaks from behind us.
“Morning Mma.” I greet.
“Mama, this is Moreetsi’s wife Rego.” She says it in a funny accent.
“Oh my child, I am sad we are meeting like this. Please thank your husband for me, my son made it home because of him.” Mrs Mabuza gives me a tight hug and pulls out to wipe my tears.
“My condolences. I will pass the message, is there anyone I can call to get the funeral details?”
“We are having a military funeral on Friday. I will ask his twin to contact you the times. God bless you and your husband.” Mrs Mabuza senior says taking Sam’s hand. They walk down the long corridor, leaving me with chest pains.
“Sis, how is he?” Bhuti asks sitting next to me.
“He is still inside, Mabuza did not make it.”
“No ways, he was talking when we left the airport.”Bbhuti.
“Well, I was with his wife and mother a few minutes ago. They came to take his things and papers.”
“Pheko is going to be so devastated.” Bhuti.
“I know, I hope it doesn’t set him back and he fights to recover after this operation.”
“For you, he will.” Bhuti.
“The faith you have in me, will get you killed one day.” I tease. Bhuti leaves an hour later and he promises to come back after work. I get called 30 minutes later while I was taking a walk outside. I run to the ward and almost bump into the doctor.
“Mrs Moreetsi. Your husband is back from theatre and everything went well. He lost blood as expected and we ordered 2 units for him, he received his first in theatre and this is the last one. He should be up in the next 30 minutes, he may complain of a scratchy throat but that’s normal. If you have any problems please let the nurses know, you may see him for a few minutes and come back during visiting hour.” Doctor says.
“Thank you, I will be in the waiting area. Hey Hubby, I will be outside when you wake up. I love you.” I kiss his forehead.
“Sister, thank you. I will be outside.” I say to the nurses in the station.
“We will call you when he is up.”She smiles, I walk out and sit in the waiting area again and call the family to update them. The nurse calls me in a few minutes before 10am. I find him elevated with his leg up.
“Hey, you.”
“Rego waka.” He greets in a hoarse voice.
“How are you feeling?”
“I am sleepy, a little pain in my leg.” He clears his throat.
“You can sleep, I will wait outside.”
“No,*clears throat.* I want you to stay, have you seen the other guys?” my heart skips a beat at his question.
“Rest your throat, we will talk later.”
“Is it Mabuza? He didn’t make it right.” He finches as he tries to adjust himself.
“Yes, I am sorry.”
“F&R%, I thought he was fine. He promised me to hold on.” He curses, and throws his hand in the air.
“I am sorry, please calm down.”
“Get me the commander, call Ntuli for me please, I need his wife.” Pheko.
“I think you should rest a bit and I will call them later.”
“Don’t F:&=en, tell me that. Call the nurse then.”
“Pheko, please calm down.”
“You have never lost anyone important to you, you don’t understand. What’s the point of having a wife if she won’t help you, you know what just leave since it’s hard. I don’t need you, leave!!!” Pheko shouts, startling me, the door opens and his brother and mother walk in.
“You will talk to Rego like that, you un..” Bhuti.
“It’s okay, Bhuti.” He tries to speak but I shake my head and leave the room. Feeling embarrassed, more than hurt. I rush down the stairs to the 2nd floor bathroom, to wash my face, the car comes and I let my tears fall freely.
“Everything will be okay.” The driver gives me facial tissues. I wipe my tears and give him a nod. Miso is outside the yard when I am dropped off. I send Bhuti a text that I am safe then switch off my phone and go to my bedroom.
“I’m sorry Sissy, everything is going to be fine.”Miso runs my back. I nod and ask him for sleeping pills. I take 2 and with pain pills to sleep.
My heart hurts physically, as bad as it was when Make passed away. Miso stays with me until I sleep. “Aunty, you have been sleeping for a long time. Wake up.” Okuhle wakes me up. My eyes are still full of sleep and the swelling from my earlier cry is evident.
“What time is it?”
“6pm, come eat so that we can prepare for the evening visit.” Okuhle.
“I am not going, is Babe up?” she looks at me shocked.
“Yes, he is eating.” I nod my head and I get up then I went to rinse my mouth. I walked out my bedroom and found the Moreetsi’s eating with Babe and Miso.
“Ntsumi, you have been sleeping for so long, are you pregnant?” Babe teases. His question, stresses me more than it should. The maths in my head is not making sense.
“No, I took pain tablets. I had a headache.”
“Are you feeling better?” Babe.
“Yes, thank you.”
“We came to pick you up for the visit, he asked for you.” Mama.
“I’m not going.” I look down my plate and eat.

Ntsumi ka MoreetsiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora