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Arrived at school,  as expected, all eyes were on them.

The costant feeling of their gazes annoyed Chiyuki a lot, but she could only bear with it and hope that the aura "of the new shiny toys in front of little children" which surrounded her and her siblings and which attracted everyone's curiosity, would soon disappear.

Chiyuki, being a year older, had to separate from her brothers after having accompanied them to the classroom door to walk towards hers, located not far away.

'Class 5'

Chiyuki stared at these letters for what seemed like forever, trying to calm herself and take courage to enter.

This was the official beginning of her new life and she didn't know if she was ready to face it.

In the end, she took a deep breath and entered.

All the gazes immediately went on her, almost boring furrows on her skin for their intensity.

Many of those looks were hostile and it annoyed Chiyuki even more.

They thought they could pick on her already on the first day.

Stupid rich arrogant brats, they don't even know how wrong they are.

"Today we have a new student, miss present yourself" voiced the teacher, trying to break the tensed atmosphere.

"I'm Chiyuki Himura, level S Alpha.

Don't talk to me." she said coldly while her eyes shift to gold, asserting her dominance on everybody to make them understand to not even try to mess with her.

After making sure everyone got the message, her eyes shifted to their normal color and she sat down in the only empty seat left, leaving the rest of the students to shiver, some in fear (the brats who thought they could pick on her), others for excitement (the omegas for having such a powerful and dominant alphas in class)


After a boring math lesson, Chiyuki needed to go to the bathroom absolutely to rinse her face trying to wake up a little or she risked to fall asleep on the counter at any moment.

Mathematics had always been her least favorite subject in her previous life and right now things had certainly not changed.

After the shocking discovery of the existence of 4 bathrooms (one for Alphas, one for omegas and two for betas, males and females), the emerald eyed girl finally entered the one for her and she found herself faced with a scene that she had not expected to encounter on the first day:

A boy was curled up on the ground trying to protect his head with his arms as much as he could while a girl kicked him continuously while cursing at him out loud.

There was blood on the ground and the male's arms were already covered of bruises and cuts, probably caused by splinters from the broken sink near him.

Clashes between alphas were the norm but this was an unilateral beating, but the strength difference was too great and the girl was enjoying it with smug smile and a crazy glint in the eye, making Chiyuki's face black.

Chiyuki always hated bullying.

In her previous life she was heavily bullied at school for her being poor and it scarred her emotionally and psychologically.

She couldn't stay there without doing anything so she used her pheromones to suppress the other alpha.

Her eyes became golden, like the purest, glowest pot of gold, so beautiful and alluring; while the pressure in the room became unbearable.

The other alpha girl tried to counterattack but without success, so she was chocked by the pressure and forced to squat on the ground in submission, writhing in pain until she passed out; only then Chiyuki's stopped.

The young female extended her hand to help the male, who after a couple of minutes of observing it as if to decide what to do (or try to decipher her true intentions ), took it with mistrust.

Seeing he struggled to walk on his own due to injuries, the black haired girl, always without a word and emotion on her face, took him to the infirmary.

The male was wide eyed during all this process, still shocked for her strange behavior:

Alphas never helped each other and, most of all, no one would have helped him; he was always picked on by everybody because of his too beautiful face and weak body typical of an omega.

Some alphas, even if they don't participated actively to the bullying, stayed in the sidelines enjoying the show; it was terrible and it hurt him deeply physically and mentally everytime.

With the beatings his heart blackened more and more, while he had now resigned himself to his condition and solitude.

But today's events had made him change his mind, leaving a warm feeling within him.

Feeling awkward he tried thanking her for her good deeds:


but he was interrupted by the beautiful emerald eyed girl

"No need, I only did what was right."

Then she turned and went away, leaving the male wordless and completely displaced by that meeting.


Idk why but Wattpad doesn't let me modify the chapter, so probably there will be a lot of mistakes

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