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Chiyuki remembered the story's initial scene very well:

Bai Tao's friend while playing, in a fit of rage for whatever reason, threw the ball hard against the glands of Shen Sinian (located behind the neck), who was at the beginning of his differentiation period and was extremely fragile.

The blow was so strong that he passed out and sent his pheromones out of control.

Taking him to the infirmary (if we don't count her behave like a perverted trying to undress him and touch his chest in the meantime) was the first "good deed" she did to repent for the past actions of the original owner.

This was the first brick that the protagonist put to build involuntary a bridge towards the male lead's heart.

'Wow, extremely romantic.' sarcastically thought the emerald eyed female.

A loud whistle signaled the start of the game.

Chiyuki's body moved on her own while her mind was occupied by a succession of thoughts:

She clearly remembered how much Shen Sinian cried and suffered in the novel.

Her heart ached thinking about his constant worries, his sleepless nights , the degeneration of his mental health and his almost death when he was neglected by Bao Tao after being marked (for her lack of knowledge) during his dependence period.

(Author: remember that an omega after being marked has a dependence period in which their body needs skin-skin contact and the pheromones of "their alpha" or their body degenerate and it could lead to disability or even death)

But most of all, she felt a strong bitter taste when thinking that Shen Sinian thought Bai Tao was caring only because she treated him a little better than all her mother ex-boyfriends who treated her like sh*t through the years.

It was very very sad.

He was a good guy who only needed someone who took care of him and give him a little bit of help in his healing process but instead the author made him fell in love with Bai Tao who messed up him even more.

Maybe she could change his fate and help him find someone better...


She couldn't do it.

She couldn't mess with the plot.

She didn't have the mc plot armor and very bad things could happen to her and her loved ones; also, even if she tried to change the plot, probably nothing would have changed anyway... the plot was strong, stronger then her-

During her mental ramble, her body unconsciously blocked a ball directed on Shen Sinian.

And not a random ball... but the ball that was supposed to hit him on the glands and start the love story between the leads.

'F*CK' She mentally shrieked while her eyes became wide when she realized what she did.

Chiyuki felt someone looking at her.
It was Bai Tao, who was fiercely glaring at her and it left the emerald eyed alpha confused.

Why was Bai Tao glaring at her?

Was because of the beating she received from her?

Impossible, it was the previous Bai Tao who was beaten not the 21th century protagonist, who has no memories of the past.

So, why was she glaring at her?

Chiyuki couldn't find and answer but  had a bad premonition about it.


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