Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As Evangeline woke from her brief nap, her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the golden light that filled the room. The warmth of the sunlight embraced her petite form, infusing her with a renewed sense of determination. With a determined expression, she declared, "So after a good rest, it's now time for me to gather information about this world."

Leaving the confines of her room, Evangeline was taken aback by the sheer opulence that surrounded her. The corridors stretched out before her, adorned with shimmering golden walls that exuded grandeur. Magnificent glass chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, casting a mesmerizing glow across the vast expanse. It was a sight that could easily overwhelm even the most composed individual.

Moving cautiously, Evangeline noticed maids scurrying about their duties, their presence adding a touch of life to the otherwise majestic ambiance. Curiosity piqued, she decided to approach one of the maids. However, as soon as they caught sight of her, they swiftly fled, their footsteps echoing down the corridor. Confusion etched itself onto Evangeline's delicate features.

"Why do they run away from me? I haven't done anything to them," she pondered, bewildered by their reactions.

But amidst the commotion, she spotted Julie, the maid who had been present when she first awakened. Determined to have a conversation that didn't end in fleeing maids, she quickened her pace and called out to Julie.

"Julie, could you do me a favor, please?" Evangeline's voice carried a hint of hope.

Julie turned towards her, her kind eyes meeting Evangeline's gaze. "Yes, Princess. What do you need?" Julie responded in a gentle tone.

Evangeline clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with innocence. "I'd like to go to the library if you don't mind," she requested, employing her most persuasive puppy-dog eyes.

Julie hesitated for a moment, seemingly captivated by Evangeline's earnestness. "How can I resist such a request? Of course, Princess, there is no problem. After all, it's what I'm here for," Julie replied, a touch of warmth in her voice.

A surge of gratitude washed over Evangeline, and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around Julie in a hug. Julie blushed, trying to conceal her joy.

"No need to hug me," Julie stammered, her voice tinged with bashfulness. "Even though it makes me happy, it's the first time, and I hope it won't be the last."

Evangeline released Julie from her embrace, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of sadness. "You deserve it. After all, you are one of the only maids who pays attention to me. All the others either avoid me or run away, and I don't understand why," she confessed, a tinge of vulnerability seeping into her voice.

Julie, torn between the desire to tell the truth and to shield Evangeline from her past self, chose her words carefully. "Don't worry, Princess. I'm sure it's just your imagination," she offered, hoping to provide some comfort.

Evangeline's sadness lingered, but she heeded Julie's suggestion, wanting to redirect their conversation. "You're right. Let's not dwell on it. We should go to the library now," she suggested, determined to uncover the secrets of her newfound world.

Together, they made their way to the library, the grandeur of the surroundings captivating Evangeline's attention. Upon entering, she couldn't help but marvel at the vast collection of books that surrounded her.

"Woah, this library is enormous," she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Julie smiled, reminiscing about her own initial reaction. "Yes, it certainly has that effect. So, what would you like to do now?" she inquired, eager to assist Evangeline on her quest for knowledge.

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