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Chapter 25

Two long hours passed, each filled with the meticulous task of filling out sheets. As they completed their work, a feeling of relief washed over them, signaling the end of their arduous task.

Evangeline, relieved to be done, decided to stretch her stiff muscles. However, her intentions took an unfortunate turn. In her attempt to stretch, she accidentally knocked Mana to the floor. Her ongoing handcuff connection to Mana only exacerbated the mishap, much to Seiko's amusement.

"I'm sorry, Mana. I didn't mean to make you fall," Evangeline apologized earnestly, extending a hand to assist her. However, Mana refused the help, slapping away Evangeline's offered hand and rising to her feet independently.

"I don't need your help, Evangeline, especially when you're the one who made me fall," Mana retorted, her voice laced with anger. The calm atmosphere that had prevailed moments ago shattered with this exchange, leaving a palpable tension in its wake. Evangeline and Mana seemed poised for a confrontation, their tempers flaring.

Seiko, sensing the impending clash, interjected sternly. "You two, stop it. I certainly don't want to be caught up in another punishment for your fighting," he warned, his tone laced with authority.

Evangeline and Mana exchanged one final glance, the gravity of Seiko's warning settling upon them. Reluctantly, they both let go of their anger, the simmering tension in the room gradually subsiding.

Seiko let out a prolonged sigh of relief as the argument between Evangeline and Mana finally subsided. With a sense of unease still lingering in the room, they efficiently tidied up the office, their actions devoid of the earlier discord. The silence that had descended remained unbroken as they exited the room, their footsteps echoing in the corridor as they made their way to the dormitory.

Night had blanketed the school grounds, casting an inky darkness that hastened their retreat. Upon reaching Mana's room, Seiko wasted no time, leaping from Evangeline's head to land gracefully on Mana's bed.

"Now, can we eat? I've been waiting for this all day," Seiko declared eagerly, his hunger finally getting the better of him.

Evangeline, her voice tinged with remorse, responded apologetically, "Yes, Seiko, you can eat now. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting all day."

As they prepared to sate their appetites, an unexpected visitor arrived. The bedroom door swung open, and the headmistress entered, her countenance marked by a warm and knowing smile.

"Good evening," she greeted them. "From the looks on your faces, I can deduce that today was quite challenging, wasn't it?" Her laughter filled the room, a gentle acknowledgment of the trials they had undoubtedly faced throughout the day.

"What are you doing here? Have you come to make fun of us?" Evangeline's voice dripped with anger as she confronted the unexpected presence of the headmistress.

"That's how you greet your elders, Evangeline?" the principal retorted, her tone carrying a note of admonishment. She punctuated her words by delivering a swift, albeit not overly harsh, tap on Evangeline's head, causing an immediate bump to swell in response.

Mana, ever the diplomat, interceded in an attempt to diffuse the escalating tension. "Evangeline, stop provoking her," she urged with a hint of exasperation. "I certainly don't want to spend any more time with you. Madam Principal, what brings you here?" Mana's tone was polite and respectful.

The headmistress settled into the conversation with a reassuring smile. "Well, actually, I'm here to see how you're getting on," she explained. "And from what I can see, it's going well so far. So perhaps I'll consider reducing your punishment."

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