chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Misaki's voice carried a sense of urgency and importance as she addressed Evangeline. "I have something of utmost importance to discuss with you, Evangeline."

Evangeline, curious and eager, responded, "Yes, what is it? Please tell me."

Misaki's expression grew serious as she began to explain. "In a fortnight, there will be a grand ball in honor of Quellerea's 200th anniversary. It is a significant event, and we would like you to be on your best behavior during that time."

Azumi, joining the conversation, added, "To ensure you are well-prepared, we have hired a tutor who will teach you proper manners. She will begin her lessons tomorrow, so you will need to wake up early, alright, Evangeline?"

A sense of trepidation washed over Evangeline as she contemplated the challenges that awaited her in the coming weeks. "I really have to attend, Mom. You can't simply tell them I'm still recovering from my head injury and keep me confined to my room."

Misaki, resolute, responded, "You cannot escape this, Evangeline. As the princess of this kingdom, it is your duty to attend such events."

Azumi chimed in, emphasizing Misaki's point. "Indeed, she is right. Since we have finished eating, it is time for you to go to bed now." Azumi gently lifted Evangeline from Misaki's lap and carried her, accompanied by Misaki, to her room.

Evangeline was placed on her bed as both Azumi and Misaki settled down beside her. Misaki suggested, "Evangeline, would you like us to tell you a bedtime story before you sleep?"

Evangeline, feeling a sense of growing independence, declined, saying, "It's okay, I don't need a story. I am old enough to sleep without one."

Azumi playfully remarked, "You are growing up so quickly, Evangeline. Soon you will be telling me you're getting married," feigning tears.

Evangeline tried to comfort her mother, saying, "Mom, don't cry. I'm not getting married anytime soon, maybe in the distant future."

Misaki, affectionately patting Evangeline's head, added, "You truly are a wonderful girl, Evangeline."

Azumi, echoing Misaki's sentiment, said, "You are incredibly sweet, Evangeline. But now, it's time for you to sleep. Tomorrow, you must wake up early."

Both Azumi and Misaki kissed Evangeline on the forehead, bidding her good night. "Good night," Evangeline replied as she began to drift off to sleep.

As Evangeline peacefully slumbered, thoughts danced in her mind. "Today was challenging, but I learned so much, and my parents are taking excellent care of me. This new life is starting off much better than my old one," she thought, a smile gracing her lips.

Meanwhile, in Misaki and Azumi's room, Azumi's perspective took hold.

"Misaki, do you think it is wise to allow our daughter to attend the ball? We still haven't discovered who tried to harm her," Azumi expressed her concerns.

Misaki reassured her, "Fear not, this time I have strengthened the castle's security, and we will both be there to protect her. Everything will be fine."

Azumi contemplated Misaki's words, admitting, "You're right. Perhaps I am worrying unnecessarily."

"Have you noticed how much our daughter has changed since awakening?" Misaki asked, reflecting on Evangeline's transformation.

Azumi nodded, acknowledging the positive shift. "Yes, she has indeed changed for the better. She is kind to the maids, and she hasn't dismissed any of them thus far."

Pleased with their daughter's development, Misaki remarked, "She has become a lovely young woman. Imagine when the time comes for suitors to ask for her hand in marriage. How will we handle it?"

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