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The night had passed uneventfully, a rare respite for Evangeline who had expected another nightmarish episode. As the morning light filtered through the forest canopy, she awoke to find her team-mates still sleeping soundly. With a sense of responsibility and a touch of relief that the night had been peaceful, she gently roused them, coaxing them out of slumber one by one.

In the hushed stillness of dawn, the principal's voice sliced through the tranquility, her words dripping with sadistic glee. Her ominous laughter echoed through the forest, setting Evangeline's nerves on edge.

"Hello, dear students. I trust you're enjoying this test of survival?" The principal's voice oozed malevolence as she continued, "I'm here to inform you that over half of your peers have already been eliminated and expelled from the school. So, do be cautious not to meet the same fate – or worse. Good luck with the remainder of your challenge."

Her unsettling laughter lingered in the air even after she fell silent.

Evangeline's group exchanged uneasy glances. Somi and Lily appeared distraught, Yuriko seethed with anger, Soon-mi wore a worried expression, and Evangeline and Seiko remained strangely composed, as though this were just another ordinary occurrence.

Somi's voice trembled with anxiety as he posed a question that weighed heavily on everyone's minds. "What do we do now? What if we're eliminated or sent back? What if we don't make it out alive?"

Evangeline, attempting to dispel the rising tension, spoke reassuring words. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll make it. Perhaps the principal is joking like last time, and nobody really got expelled."

However, her attempt at reassurance had an unintended effect. It seemed to heighten the anxiety among her teammates. Lily and Somi, overwhelmed with emotion, began to cry.

Soon-mi, ever the pragmatic one, reacted swiftly. She delivered a light smack to Lily and Somi's heads and said with unwavering confidence, "We made it through the first day, and we'll get through today too. Trust in your teammates."

Somi, his voice brimming with newfound conviction, chimed in, "And let's not forget that Seiko is here to protect us."

The group visibly relaxed, their worries momentarily put at bay. All eyes turned to Seiko, finding comfort in the wolf's presence. But before they could fully settle into this newfound assurance, an abrupt disruption occurred.

A peculiar portal, reminiscent of a swirling black hole, materialized directly above Evangeline's head. In an instant, it sucked both Seiko and Evangeline into its enigmatic depths, leaving the group dumbfounded and in shock.

Suddenly, an alarm reverberated through the forest, punctuated by the principal's panicked voice, suggesting that they were now in imminent danger.

The principal's voice, now laden with urgency, resounded through the forest. Arrows materialized, forming a mysterious path.

"Dear pupils, this is no longer a training session; we are under attack. Follow the arrows appearing in front of you as swiftly as possible to reach safety. Do not panic. For those who are injured and unable to move, rest assured that a teacher will promptly come to assist you," the principal urgently declared.

As Evangeline and Seiko emerged from the portal, darkness enveloped them for a brief moment before surrendering to normalcy. Yet, they found themselves in a different section of the forest, far from their group. With Seiko being the sole companion, their surroundings were swarming with menacing creatures. At the helm of this ferocious horde stood a demon-like figure. His hair, as white as snow, framed his sinister visage, partially obscured by a suit of ominous black armor. His hand gripped a sword stained with crimson, and a wicked grin adorned his face. A macabre scene unfurled before them, strewn with the lifeless bodies of teachers and students.

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