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"You'll have to undertake a mission with your group," the principal declared, a faint smile playing on her lips.

The courtyard fell into a hushed anticipation as students eagerly awaited details about the impending mission.

"The task at hand is a survival test in the Forest of Death."

Before the students could react, the principal abruptly snapped her fingers, plunging them into darkness.

Principal's Perspective:

Still in the courtyard, the principal was now joined by a man, Midori, the dragon-like being. Her demeanor was serious, and she seemed genuinely concerned.

"Midori, we have a problem," she began gravely.

Midori, his anxiety palpable, inquired, "What's going on?"

A sense of urgency crept into her voice as she continued, "A rival has emerged, and it appears he's enamored with Mana. What's more, it seems that Mana might reciprocate those feelings."

Midori clenched his fist, summoning a sword into his hand as he said, "Tell me his name and describe his appearance."

"He goes by the name Toshiko, a striking elf with white hair, green eyes, quite tall, and well-built," the principal hurriedly explained.

"Very well, I'll do what I can to remove him from the equation," Midori vowed, his determination evident.

Before they could take any action, both of them were jolted as something struck them in the head. They turned to find Nurse Jade, her expression a mix of annoyance and frustration.

"What are you two doing? You're not going to kill Toshiko, are you?" Jade's voice was laden with a threatening edge.

The principal tried to assuage Jade's concerns with a disarming smile. "No, we're not going to kill him, don't worry."

Midori chimed in, his tone somewhat more sinister, "Yes, don't worry, it's not my intention to kill him. Perhaps just... incapacitate him, erase his memory, or simply ensure he vanishes without a trace." He punctuated his words with a self-assured smile.

Jade's patience wore thin, and she swiftly responded with another punch to Midori's head. "You can't do that. I'm confident Evangeline can handle this situation, beat Toshiko, and reclaim Mana."

The principal and Midori exchanged glances, their skepticism regarding Jade's optimism evident in their expressions. They even shared a brief, incredulous laugh.

"You know Evangeline very well," the principal remarked, "and you're aware that Evangeline can be quite inept when it comes to matters of the heart. Before her reincarnation, she nearly lost Mana multiple times by unintentionally hurting her emotionally."

Midori added solemnly, "Indeed, and furthermore, Evangeline isn't particularly inclined toward romance. She consistently prioritizes others' feelings above her own."

Jade, undeterred, delivered her ultimatum with an angry undertone. "I don't care. You will trust Evangeline in this matter. If either of you dares to meddle, prepare to face me."

The headmistress and Midori nodded in understanding, yet their expressions hinted at a lingering determination that suggested they hadn't entirely abandoned their plans.

Back to Evangeline's perspective, she opened her eyes to find herself alone in a foreboding forest, no longer bound to Mana, and with her group scattered around her. Seiko, as usual, perched atop her head.

Evangeline surveyed her surroundings with a sense of trepidation. The forest seemed eerie, and the uncertainty of their situation weighed heavily on her.

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